Jul 11, 2006 10:10

Tomorrow I have to retake the math TAKS. A few days ago I had a dream I took the test and it was easy...I hope it'll be easy!

The music of POTC 2 is awesomeeee...it's way better than the first movie!! Hans Zimmer composed the music to the second movie...I think he did Black Hawk Down's music too. He's much better than Klaus Badelt, who did the first movie's music. I've also listened to some of Hellfire Club by Edguy...it's sooo good! The guitars in King of Fools are awesome!

June 27
The border of Italy was like 5 or 10 minutes from Monaco! We were going through a tunnel when we crossed the border. Suddenly everything was shiny. ;) And there were tons of tunnels in Italy. And I suddenly saw tons of churches. We drove to La Spezia which was 3 or 4 hours away. We stopped to rest and get food and stuff...I was waiting in line for the bathroom and this Italian woman was speaking in Italian to me and I'm like "I don't speak Italian" haha...I was hearing Italian everywhere and I said so to the leaders excitedly and all these Italians were staring at me haha. I got some Italian popcorn and it was sooo good. Then we got to the hotel...it was horrible. The view was the parking lot and trees and hills. We ate dinner at the hotel. During free time I was standing on the balcony and Italian guys were playing tennis across the street and they shouted in Italian and I was like *drooool* Then I went to bed

June 28
We took a boat ride to these 5 cities (we got off at the 5th city). As soon as we stopped at the second stop a church bell rang. Niiice timing. We got to the 5th city and had 3 hours free time there! There was a bell tower and the bell rang every hour and half hour. At noon it rang a lot and Sara, Elisabeth and I were at an ice cream place and I wanted to go out and see the bell ringing but I didn't cause I think Sara was scared enough by my obsession haha. We explored the city and it was pretty cool. I bought an Italian flag! I also got gelato...ooomg it's sooo good!! I somehow got it all over the flag too. There were also two churches and I went inside them and they were very pretty. After the 3 hours we took the boat back to the 4th city I think and hiked back to where we started from. Of course it HAD to be uphill. At one place there was graffiti everywhere...even carved and written on the plants! How cruel. I saw Luca written at least 5 times. We got to rest by a bell tower and a church...I took a quick look inside the church. When we were getting close to the bus everyone was all hyper from adreneline and I was laughing haha. When we got back to the bus people were joking around about the hike. The Italian national anthem was played and I waved my flag...I'm so patriotic! *sniff* Then we went to Pisa! Wooow there were tons of people selling things and they wouldn't leave us alone!! There was a baptestry, a church, and the Leaning Tower. The Leaning Tower is a bell tower!! That's its only purpose...a bell tower! I saw its bells. I thought it was just a tower. I wanted to go inside the church and go up the tower! We didn't have enough time though. Then we went to the hotel...it was pretty cool except for the shower...there was a handle, a shower curtain, and a drain in the floor. WHAT THE HECK?! I flooded the bathroom trying to take a shower! The view was a pond and a church on top of a hill. We ate dinner at a restaraunt next door...the guy who greeted me at the door was hot. Most of the waiters were handsome. We had pasta...OMG it was sooo good!! When we got back to the hotel I washed my Italian flag and set it outside to dry. Then I went to Sara and Elisabeth's room and hung out and played cards till curfew. The people in my room said they'd be up all night. I guess they were...I went to sleep. My Italian flag blew away during the night *tear*

June 29
We went to Florence! OMG it was sooo pretty and old and AWESOME! There were lotsa churches and old buildings and I was like *droool* We went on a guided tour. OH MY DEAR GOODNESS THE GUIDE WAS SO ANNOYING!!!! She talked way too slowly and like pursed her lips out while talking and her voice was so annoying. She took us through some of the city and stopped at this church. WOW. The facade was AWESOME and detailed and sooo pretty!! And so was the bell tower. I wanted to go inside badly!! We went to this museum and had to wait in line for about 30 minutes to get in. Inside was statues and stuff by Michelangelo and his statue David. It was huuuge! The tour guide took like 30 minutes just explaining David and the other statues and even the leaders were getting bored! Michelangelo stared at the marble for 7 years before carving David. Wooow. Then we ate lunch...more pasta yay! Then we went to a leather factory and the guy who explained things was really handsome. And he did that Italian thing where they say 'a' after cartain words...it was so amusing-a! I got a picture album there for my Europe pics. I SHALL NAME IT THE PICTURE ALBUM OF CHURCHES! Then we had about 2 hours free time. The meeting place was a square and I think the back of that cool church. I bought TONS of things! I bought gelato, another Italian flag, a pin of Italy, a pen with the Italian colors and "Italia" written on it, a Florence shirt (Firenze in Italian), an Italy shirt, postcards, and a 2007 Italy calendar. Then we went to this pizza place and were split up into groups and one person made a mini pizza with the help of the chef. We ate that pizza and the pizza they made for us. It was sooo good! Then we went back to the hotel and hung out with Sara and Elisabeth (mostly Sara) and played cards again and then went to bed

June 30
We went to a chocolate factory...all the workers were on strike. Lovely. We watched this video on chocolate and the making of it. They had the biggest piece of chocolate in the world there. I got some chocolate for my family and myself. My brother loved it. Then we ate lunch. When I was getting off the bus I found a map on the floor...of Carcassonne. I was like "OMG!" Of all places! It just happened to be my seat too! *hugs Carcassonne map* MY PRECIOUSSSS. At lunch Sara said "I'm craving Pringles" and I thought she said "I'm scared of bells." lmao. Lunch was fries and pasta...the pasta wasn't very good. Then we drove to Assisi...on the way I saw a restaraunt called Lucaroni...LMAO!!! I loved Assisi as soon as we got there...I saw TONS of churches and awesome buildings! It was a really beautiful and old city. We went to a monestary and a monk named Father Louis talked about St. Frances of Assisi and the Lady Claire to us and I loved what he had to say!! He hand gestured a lot and was very nice. Then we went inside an old church where St. Frances and Claire once walked. *shivers* I love that about history, walking where known people once walked. It was really cool. There were paintings on the walls and some had Latin underneath them. Then we left and had about 45 minutes free time in part of Assisi. I went into this store and picked up the shirt I wanted and the worker was like "DON'T TOUCH IT OMG!!!" and I'm like "...ooook." Sara tripped and dropped her fan and it made a loud sound and the worker gasped really loud. I bought the shirt (*cowers from worker*) and bought a book. The meeting place was a square with a fountain and a church and a bell tower. The church was built in the 13th or 14th century!! I didn't see any bells in the bells tower BUT I HEARD THEM RING!! PHANTOM BELLS AHH!!! Then we had dinner. A violinist played for us the whole time! He was very good. People were dancing to it and it was really amusing haha. We were all hyper and happy and singing as we walked back to the bus. I think we scared some Italians lol. It was so fun. We had a meeting on the bus and I was student ambassador of the day again! We went to the hotel...it was like the one at Carcassonne cause the lights were on timers again. The view was houses. I opened the window...the soccer game tonight was against Italy and so I heard all these people screaming and cheering at their TV..."Italia Italia!"They kinda scared me. Then I went to bed

July 1
We went to a program called Full On in Assisi. It's a program about fears and stepping out of your comfort zone. The people who hosted it were from New Zealand and I LOVED their accents!! There were other People to People delegations there too. When we first got there we played this game AND THE SONG GETS STUCK IN YOUR HEAD SO EASILY OMG. "Ride ride little white pony, ride ride little white pony and this is what she told me: front front my baby, back back my baby, side side my baby and this is what she told me." Then we went in a church and there was loud music and people were like dancing and screaming and I'm like "OMG WTH?!!" It's a CHURCH peoples!! I was really hating it cause it was so loud. We played all these weird games and I HATED it! We also got into groups for the rest of the day's activities. Our leader was 19 and really nice and I loved his accent (he said he didn't have one lol!). We listened to these people talk about fears and stepping out of your comfort zone. Then we hiked to this castle tower and since we were gonna rappel off of it we did some excersizes to get ready. Then we got harnesses and helmets and walked to the top of the tower. The tower was 90 feet tall. The stairs were weird. I was kinda nervous walking up the stairs but when I got to the top I was fine. This nice lady strapped me in and told me to go to the edge of the wall and lean back and I did and she was like "you're not scared at all!" I wasn't scared. I got to control the rope and how fast I wanted to go. IT WAS SO FUN!!! I liked looking down to see how high I was. I wanted to do it again!! And it was a real castle wall too!! Then we walked more into Assisi and got gelato. Yummm. Then we did this maze thing which I hated. Then we hiked UPHILL of course back to the church and the people had more things to say and we got a journal of our day. There was more loud music and screaming and dancing...OMG C'MON PEOPLES IT'S A CHURCH!!!! This person started talking about New Zealand's unique music scene and talked about how this song she was gonna play was amazing and blew everyone away. It was a rap song. Ugh. She said the lyrics had a deep meaning but I could hardly understand them. Then we finished and hiked uphill AGAIN back to the bus. I got sooo sunburned. We ate dinner at the hotel and had the best pasta ever! During free time I spent it in my room cause I wanted some alone time. The only other place where I had some alone time at the hotel was Carcassonne and I wanted it again. It was fun till I heard strange noises haha and I swear the lamp was alive! It was blinking and I looked up at it and it stopped till I looked down again. I was writing in my journal and I told it to stop and it did. Creeepy. I told my roommate I liked metal and not rap and she said "how can you like metal and not like rap too?!" and I was like "what?!" She told me to go to clubs. No thank you. And then we went to sleep

June 2
We drove 3 hours to...ROME! We walked to lunch and I saw tons of awesome old buildings and there was tons of Latin. It was also very dirty and had lotsa graffiti. And it was sooo hot!! Lunch was mooore pasta which tasted American. Then we walked to the Colosseum. ANCIENT ROMANS WERE THERE OMG. We had a tour guide...she didn't annoy me, I was just too hot to pay attention. The inside didn't look how I imagined it to at all. Then we went to this arch (it had Latin on it, whoo!) and the tour guide was talking but I dunno what about. Rome has these fountains and you can drink the water from them and one was by the arch and I filled up my water bottle from it and it tasted sooo good! Then we went to the Roman Forum (Forum Romanorum) which was a bunch of ruins. It was pretty cool though. I tried to read the Latin on all the buildings and stuff but sometimes it's faided or too close together or abbreviated. We walked to dinner after. On the way we stopped at The Pantheon. I was like "whoa" cause I'd seen it in pics and it felt weird actually standing in front of it. As soon as we got to dinner bells rang. Nice timing again! Dinner was pizza and it was pretty good. Near the end of dinner the bells rang again! They sounded like the ones I heard and the homestay. They were soo pretty! I got my camera out and tried to take a video but the batteries died. *mourns* I stabbed my fork into my food and Sara laughed at me lol. I put fresh batteries in and the bells were still ringing! I got them on video yay! Yay bells that ring for a long time! Then we walked aaaall the way back to the bus. Owww. We got on the bus and it went down the EXACT street we just walked down! We were so mad! We got to the hotel which was called Hotel Ibis...Sara and Elisabeth were my roommates! The view was this round thing where these guys were waiting for prostitutes. LOVELY. *cough* Then we went to sleeeep

July 3
Our last day of the trip! *tear* We were gonna go to the Vatican this morning but there was lotsa traffic getting into Rome and by the time we got there we woulda waited in line like 6 hours to get in! So we walked to St. Peter's Square and was gonna go in St. Peter's Basilica but the line was long there too! *sobs* So we had 2 hours free time. I bought shirts...one says SPQR which stands for senatus populusque Romanus (the senate and the people of Rome). I got a shirt for mom too. I also bought Italian pins, another Italian flag, and a bell. *ring ring* HARK! HOW THE BELLS, SWEET SILVER BELLS ALL SEEM TO SAY THROW CARES AWAAAAAY! At this one shop I talked with this Italian guy...he was so cool! He taught me how to say some things in Italian and I said "come stai?" (how are you?) and he went all dramatic and said "BENE!" (good). Haha it was so awesome. I heard the bells from St. Peter's Basilica and one time it went from soft to loud and it was so cool! After free time we had lunch. Lasagna, yum. Then we took the subway to the Spanish Steps. Subways are awesome. The Spanish Steps aren't Spanish...the French funded them. They were pretty cool. Then we walked to the Trevi Fountain...it's so pretty! Legend says if you throw a coin into the fountain you'll return to Rome so I did. I also made a wish. We had about 2 hours free time there. I was so hot I spashed water from the fountain on my face...it felt really good! Sara also took pics of my friends Elisabeth and Carl and I on the Spanish Steps. I think Carl likes me lol. I like him too. *blushes* After that we walked to dinner. Owwww. I think it was on the other side of Rome or something! Dinner was seafood and Sara and I got the vegitarian dish as usual...it was pizza...everyone was so jealous of us haha. I shared some though. And that's my Europe trip!! Oh and you must know we had to get up at 3 AM the next morning to get to the airport. And the flight to Texas was delayed so we had to stay the night in New York. We got home the next day though. Well I hope you enjoyed reading this!

Today's Latin: Mea culpa (my fault). That got Hellfire from The Hunchback of Notre Dame stuck in my head (the background singers sing mea culpa)

"And still I carry on and I will forever, cause when I see you smile I dare to believe again"--"Forever," Edguy

the vatican, cinque terre, sara, italy, pisa, assisi, school, rome, edguy, rappelling, elisabeth, music, florence

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