I watched School of Rock yesterday...I liked it haha. 10 year old rockers, yeah!!
Carol of the Bells is an addictive song...
June 21
We left Barcelona, Spain, and drove to France!! We had to get a different bus. It took about 2 hours. We got to this place with a river and went swimming!! We were having so much fun...and then someone almost drowned. That was horrible obviously. We couldn't swim after that. Then we hiked up this hill to a cave. OH MY DEAR GOODNESS my legs almost fell off!! Man I'm out of shape! It was tiring for most people I think. When we got there this guy talked about these bones they found. The view up there was pretty also. Then we walked back down and went into this place and this person talked more about bones. She was funny. Then this guy talked about human evolution. Boring. There was this spear throwing thing and I was really bad at it. Then we drove 2 hours more to Carcassonne (pronounced carca-sun) and got our hotel. Ooooomg...the hotel was sooo fancy and awesome and reminded me of an opera house. And the hallways reminded me of a hospital for some reason. The lights were on timers and turned off after a certain amount of time to save electricity and money. I was the last one in the room I shared...it had one room and then it had an ajoining room. I got the ajoining room!! And the view...OMG amazing!!! You could see the medieval city and other awesome buildings and I loved listening to and looking at the city life. At night the medieval city was lit up and looked so pretty! We ate dinner at the hotel. Everyone swarmed to the desserts and one was gone really fast and the waitress was just staring at us looking scared and amazed. After dinner we had free time till curfew. Sara and Elisabeth played cards with me. I had gotten more of those chips and Sara had some and was really hyper afterwards and it was really funny haha. The air conditioning in my room made dripping water sounds and it was sooo annoying trying to sleep! That night I threw up. Not sure why
June 22
I wasn't feeling well this morning. My throat hurt and it felt like something was stuck in it. We drove to the medieval city and I felt like I was gonna throw up again. The medieval city was the original Carcassonne and it was so awesome and pretty and MEDIEVAL OMG. We had a tour guide and she was very animated and kept saying her English was bad but it wasn't. We stood outside the gates and she told us about this legend about how these people besieged Carcassonne...there was a person named Lady Carcas and she threw a really fat pig outside the walls and the besiegers thought their plan wasn't working and the people inside the castle had plently of food so they left. There was a joyous ringing of bells and that's why it's named Carcassonne (carcas sonne...ringing of bells). When the tour guide started talking about bells it made no sense to me till Sara explained to me. As I was walking through the gates I was thinking "BELL CITY OMG I'M WALKING INTO THE BELL CITY." It was also very cold and windy. Sara lent me her sweatshirt which was really nice of her. Anyway, Carcassonne was where part of Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves was filmed. The tour guide stopped inside the gates and talked about the building materials of the towers and roofs and talked about the arrowslits. To the left of us was this AWESOME looking medieval street!! Sometimes we had to move to the side cause a horse drawn wagon thingy drove by...I WANNA DO THAT! I think the tour guide was obsessed with the castle's building materials. We went to this church...the outside was being renovated and was covered with stuff so I couldn't see all of it. We went inside and THE STAINED GLASS OMG!! It was soooo pretty!!! And this was the first church where I could take pics inside. There was really pretty church music playing also. There was a big bell on the floor for some reason. Then we saw more of the city and had about 40 minutes free time and then ate lunch. I felt better after lunch. Then we had about an hour more free time in the medieval city!! Ohhh I loved it!! I loved the feel and there were lotsa shops and I think you could live there! I WANNA LIVE THERE OMG. I think I could go to the medieval city every day!! It's just so cool!! I liked watching all the birds fly all over the city also. I didn't wanna leaaaave! It also took me awhile to say Carcassonne right haha. I was showing someone the medieval city from my hotel room and I was saying "you can see Carca...um...yeaaaah" haha. Then we left (*sobs*) and did a community service project. My group sorted clothes while the other sorted books. We were in like an attic place and smelled sooo bad and it was hot. At least I was helping people. Then we went back to the hotel (*plasters face to the window and stares at the medieval city*...lmao) and had about 2 1/2 hours free time and then had dinner. More seafood ewww. Sara and I decided to get the vegitarian dishes whenever seafood was being served. THE SHRIMP STILL HAD EYES!!!!! GROSS!!! Then we had more free time and I played cards with Sara and Elisabeth again. I kept hearing these loud doorbells and then I heard a church bell I think and Sara's like "what's with all the bells?!" and I laughed so hard haha. Then I went to bed
June 23
We left Carcassonne (*sobs*) and drove to Nîmes (pronounced neem). We saw a Roman amphitheater. It was built in 1 and 2 AD! It looked like the Colosseum but it was in better condition. We had some free time around there too. We also saw Pont du Gard (bridge of the Gard), a Roman aqueduct. It's thought to have been built around 19 BC!!! It was pretty cool. The Gard River flowed under it and it was sooo blue and I wanted to go swimming! Then we drove to meet our homestay families! Good thing I had someone else with me for the homestay. Mine was a family or four. The mom was nice but didn't speak English, the daughter spoke English, the dad spoke some, and the son didn't speak any. The mom and the son picked us up and drove us to the apartment. There we met the dad and daughter. The daughter put her cheek in front of my face and I'm like "huh??" and then I figured out she wanted me to kiss her cheeks (it's how they say hi and bye). Luckly she figured out I didn't understand. Inside their apartment was nice. I thought they were poor from how the outside looked but I don't think they were. They let me use their computer and we ate dinner...I said something about Carcassonne to them and then they were all speaking in French and I heard "Carcassonne" sonetimes haha. Then we went to bed
June 24
This morning the mom drove us to where the bus would pick us up and we went to a medieval city. On the way the mom dropped the son Theo off at school. School on Saturday?! WTH?! Sara and Elisabeth couldn't come to the medieval city cause their family lived to far away. It was boring...we hardly did anything there. I did find a church though and there were 4 bells at the top of it! I went inside...it wasn't strikingly pretty but I felt God's presence strongly. Then we went back to the families. The mom got Theo from school and the mom pointed out a wedding that was going on. When we got back to the apartment I heard these church bells and the daughter said it was for the wedding but I don't think so. We had lunch and it was so good! Then we went to the beach and it was nice. When we got back to the dinner WHICH WAS SOOO GOOD OMG. They made the best food ever!! Then we hung out and went to bed
June 25
This morning the mom took Jenny and I to the local market. She talked with her friends and looked very happy. Then I heard THE BELLS. THEY WERE SO BEAUTIFUL OMG!!!!!! They're the most beautiful bells I've ever heard!!! They rang for like 3 minutes! Then the mom took us to the church...I saw 6 bells on the top of it! They were just...hanging there...HOW COULD THEY SOUND SO BEAUTIFUL?! Inside the church was very pretty and the most EPIC music was playing!! Then we walked back to the apartment and as we were I heard its bells again!!! Even Jenny said they were really beautiful. I really wish I had taken my camera! Then we ate lunch and near the end of it I HEARD THE BELLS AGAIN! I grabbed my camera and got them on video...not the whole thing but good enough. I asked if we could go to the church again so I could get pictures and they said yes. After that we went to a really pretty creek. The water was freezing!! Then we drove back and stopped at the church and got pics of it AND IT'S EPIC BELLS OMG. Why on this whole trip did I never see the bells when they were ringing? Grr. Then we ate dinner and hung out. I showed them pics of Frank DellaPenna and the daughter asked if he was my boyfriend. Oooomg lol. I also showed them the book on Carcassonne I got and I think they were obsessed with it haha. Then we went to bed
June 26
We left our homestay families and drove two hours to Nice (pronounced Neice). It's on the French Riviera. We had lunch...more seafood ugh. We got a tour guide and we toured Nice...she didn't annoy me. She was talking about something and I dunno what but it sounded like "bell epic." We also toured Cannes (pronounced Can). These cities were on the beach and the water was sooo blue!! We went to this Russian church and it was so pretty! I wanted to go inside but it was closed. Then we went to another church and it was nice inside. We also saw were the Cannes Film Festival was held. After the tour we went bowling! It was pretty fun. We ate dinner there and went to the hotel. Sara was my roommate! We were so hyper haha. The view was the parking lot. Yay
June 27
HAPPY BIRTHDAY FRANK DELLAPENNA!!!!! We went to Monaco. It's its own country and a principality. It's smaller than Central Park! It's really safe and doesn't really have any crime. I really liked Monaco. Its prince kinda looks like Frank. We had the same tour guide as yesterday. OMG SHE WAS SO ANNOYING!!!! We went to a church and for some reason it just didn't amaze me. Maybe cause the architecture was Romanesque and not Gothic (I LOVE Gothic architecture). It also smelled weird. In one of the churches the tour guide wasn't allowed to talk and she said she'd get in trouble by the priests and said she'd be quiet and then like 5 seconds later she was talking again! Haha. We also saw the prince's palace...there were cannon in front of it! Bells rang and the guards were changed. The bells sounded like they needed to be tuned or something (can you tune bells?). Then we ate lunch...MORE SEAFOOD. Then we had free time in a medieval city. There was not much to do there. I think I was spoiled by Carcassonne cause all the medieval cities we went to after that didn't feel or really look like medieval cities. Sara, Elisabeth and I were all about to start that time of the month...OMG Sara has major PMS!! *shudders* We kinda got into a fight there. I was standing by this church (I didn't know I was) and it's bell rang and it was LOOOUD! Kinda scared me haha. I heard the after echo thingy. Then we went to a perfume factory. Oh joy. It was boring. And then it was off to ITALIA!
Today's Latin: in absentia (in one's absence)
"We are the seven, judgement of heaven, why don't we know? We are the angels. It's revelation, soul castignation, fire will burn us away"--"The Seven Angels," Avantasia