First Objective completed. I've gained a job and access to the local pharmacy, enough to keep me alive, at any rate. My revised first objective will be moving. There are bugs in this place...and I can't deal with that for much longer. Adding that to the already very long list of problems I have with these 'Destiny Islands', I need to look into leaving. As soon as possible. Before things get more illogical than they already are. And before I have to kill that bird next door. They don't do well in the cold, do they?
Second Objective:
It is real. It must be. I found my guinea pig, Zexion, and it has been far more revealing than I had ever hoped. Axel came to me. Willingly. Asking me just to hurt him. He's craving pain...I don't know what may be causing this, it seems to be a continuation of something before, even when he was a nobody. I'm not sure. I will have to investigate this further.
Third objective is..not going well. It's becoming more and more likely that these are not hallucinations at all. However, that creates more questions that are far less easy to test. The one that keeps appearing to me, the one calling itself Nabu, insists on calling itself a god, one of the mythological kind. It's been willing to speak to me, at least, though of the more important questions of why I have received this third chance, it is not as responsive. I shall continue this line of inquiry as long as it takes to receive some satisfactory answers.
The MPA is completely locked in its function. I can't get it to open up to the wider network at all. It's just as well. With the people I've seen seems I will be occupied enough for some time.