So, a while back Frank Miller basically invented the grim'n'gritty anti-hero with The Dark Knight Returns. It was a good, if politically anvillicious, story of the descent of society, the burden of the hero and the changing face of morality. Of course it looked kind of like ass, but it's a Frank Miller comic, you don't go to them for the Alex Ross-like beauty of the artwork.
Anyway, he followed that up with the really-quite-awful The Dark Knight Strikes Again, which is either a terrible parody of his own creations or an even more terrible straight-up story of treaded combat boots and insanity. And most recently Miller has started in on Batman once again, this time by penning All-Star Batman and Robin. Which is either an even more terrible parody of his parody in TDKSA, or a comic so deranged and ludicrous that it kind of makes you worry about the state of Frank Miller's mind. There's more than whores in there, it seems, and its even less pretty. It is, however, absolutely hilarious, if approached from the proper angle.
But don't take my word for it.
See for yourselves.