(no subject)

Mar 01, 2005 09:14

Eternal sunshine of the Spotless Mind won an Oscar for Best Screenplay. I now have faith in the acedemy.

Did you see Charlie Kaufman? What a twirp! He's like one of those kids you enjoy punching.

On another note, I am sure I am an important part of no one's life.

Here is some news for Doughty Fans given to me by the Mike Doughty mailing list:

A note from Mike Doughty:


Hi, People. At this point, after years of threatening and teasing about
a fully-realized solo record coming out (who do I think I am, Axl
Rose?!), my ATO debut, HAUGHTY MELODIC, is done at last. It'll be released
on May 3rd.

I've been working on it since December of 2002, when I first flew out
to Dan Wilson's place in Minnesota for what was supposed to be a
weekend-long writing session, and realized that he should produce the album.
For two years, I flew out there whenever he had a little time -- for
five days, a week, two weeks, whatever he could spare -- and did a song or
two, or added some instruments. It kept growing and changing, and at
last I have something that I think is really beautiful.

So I wrote a bunch of songs about yearning and redemption and happiness
and hope, and Dan and I concieved this sound, a very colorful,
ornamented sound that combined melancholia and psychedelia. We got a bunch of
fantastic musicians from Minneapolis and New York to make it happen.

A chance encounter with Dave Matthews, an old friend, at Bonnaroo 2004
resulted in me being signed to his label, ATO. I couldn't be happier --
ATO is a good bunch of solid, artist-oriented people.




1. Looking at the World from the Bottom of a Well
2. Unsingable Name
3. Madeline and Nine
4. Busting Up A Starbucks
5. White Lexus
6. American Car
7. Tremendous Brunettes
8. I Hear The Bells
9. Sunken-Eyed Girl
10. Grey Ghost
11. His Truth Is Marching On
12. Your Misfortune

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