Fic: Water and Snow - Secret Santa gift for potionmistressm 2009

Jan 02, 2010 16:04

The sparkling fire shone through the room to the other side where Marian sat. The soft armchair was Marian’s best friend this time of day in the middle of the winter. The landscapes outside were all covered with snow, and right now the sun was slowly sliding down behind the trees.

Marian sat in her armchair for a long while. She had promised Guy to stay home in Knighton Hall all day. He said he needed to show her something and that she couldn’t leave the manor. So she stayed. But she would probably fall asleep if Guy didn’t turn up soon…

Only a few minutes later the door opened and Guy appeared in the doorway with a selfish smirk on his lips. Marian had crawled up in the armchair, resting her head against the armrest. She glanced at him and sighed.

“Do you know how long I’ve waited for you…?” she mumbled quietly and closed her eyes again for a moment.

Guy didn’t reply. He went over to her and began to drag her out off the chair. Marian gasped when he lifted her up and carried her out from the house. Guy put her up on his horse and came up behind her, still without saying one word.

“Guy, I don’t like this. Where are you taking me?” Marian asked. She was not mad at him or anything. She only felt more powerless when she didn’t know what was going on. But apart from the not knowing she thought this was very intriguing.

Guy made the horse turn and gallop towards the big road leading to the edge of the forest. He had big plans for today’s event.

Marian tried to read Guy’s face but found herself that she couldn’t. Whatever it was he was up to, he obviously hadn’t plan tell her just yet.

They reached the forest’s end. The horse came to a halt as Guy jumped down and then helped Marian down. The sun was still visible at the treetops and made the snowy ground reflect in a pink tone.

Marian turned to him and stared at him.

“What is going on, Guy? You’re making me nervous…” she said and gave the area a quick glance.

Guy chuckled and offered her his arm. “I don’t want to spoil the surprise, Marian.” he said with a small smile on his lips.

“I don’t like surprises…” Marian said.

“You’re going to like this one.” he said and took out some sort of cloth from his pocket and made it to a blindfold. Marian glared at him.

“Guy!” she shouted when she only saw darkness.

“It’s okay, Marian. Trust me.” he whispered and smiled to himself knowing Marian couldn’t see it. He took her deep in to the forest. And then suddenly Marian felt Guy stopping.

“Guy?” she said weakly. He still didn’t reply, instead he took off Marian’s blindfold. Marian had had her eyes closed under the fold, but when she slowly opened them and saw what was in front of them - her heart skipped an enormous beat.

The first thing she noticed was the torches standing lit in one circle around them. The second thing she noticed was the grand trees standing behind the gloomy torches, covered in thick layers of snow. The sparkling fire reflected in it.

The third thing she noticed was the ice-covered little stream next to them, and then a few feet ahead of them she could see a small table with two goblets, a can and a tray with cheese and grapes. And then, the very last thing she noticed was the big round, wooden bath tub standing in the snow. Hot water filled it and the steam rose high on the sky.

Marian turned to Guy quickly. “You’ve done all this?” she asked in shock.

Guy smiled calmly and met her pure eyes. “Yes.” he said.

“Is this what you’ve been doing all day?”

“Yes.” he simply answered.

Marian didn’t get the chance to ask him anything else because he was already off to the tub - taking off his clothes as he walked. And then he went in to the hot bath. The bath tub was big enough for ten full grown men.

Guy dipped his head and then drew his hands through his wet hair. He swam to the edge and smiled at Marian - who still stood a few feet away.

Marian smiled too and neared the wooden tub. “Do you want me to join you?” she asked and glanced at the water.

“Oh yes…” Guy said and grinned widely.

Marian took off all her clothes and went inside to join Guy.

Guy moved closer and handed her one of the goblets. They stared at each other, neither of them knew for how long. Marian was the first to break the silence.

“I can’t believe you’ve done this for me, Guy. It’s wonderful. Thank you.” she said and took his free hand in the water.

“I would do anything for you.” he said and moved even closer to her. Their lips pressed together, and their bodies did the same. Both of them dropped their goblets in to the water when the kiss got more intense…

secret santa gift 2009

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