Fic: "You are my little Snowflake" - Secret Santa gift for potionmistressm 2009

Jan 02, 2010 16:01

It had been a quiet supper at Locksley for Guy and Marian. It was Christmas Eve in no time and it hadn’t been a single snowflake in sight. Marian was most sad about it. Guy never thought about snow that much like Marian did. He just wanted to give her the perfect Christmas gift. Even if Marian looked forward to give Guy a Christmas gift as well, she would be so grateful if they could have a little bit of snow this time of year too.

“It won’t come just because you pray for it. You’ll just have to wait, Marian…” Guy said as he drained his goblet of ale. Just a couple of hours to go, then Christmas Eve were here.

Marian sighed deeply and turned to him with a disappointed look. She had really looked forward for Christmas this year. She had been together with Guy for almost a year now… And it was worth celebrating she thought. And at Christmas time would be the perfect opportunity to celebrate.

“I know. But it’s sad, don’t you think?” she asked.

“That we don’t have snow?” he said with raised eyebrows. “Well, not really. It’s easier to ride without it, you can see where you’re going, it’s not as cold - ”

“Guy…” Marian said with a non cheerful tone.

“It’s very sad, Marian.” he said. After all, he didn’t want her to be unhappy. He smiled calmly and rose from his chair and rounded the table so he came to her side and sat down on the chair next to her. He studied her for a while in silence.

Marian tilted her head when she saw Guy starring. “What are you staring at?” she asked with a small smile without looking at him too long. She saw him smile even more at her question and she noticed him move closer in the corner of her eye.

“I’m staring at you, because you are the most beautiful woman in the whole world.” Guy said and neared her more to kiss her. He was an inch away from her lips with his own when Marian suddenly flew off the chair and ran towards the window. Guy almost feel forward by her sudden move and looked up in confusion.

“Marian? What are you doing?” he asked and tried to lean back against the back of the chair. He didn’t hear her reply.

“Guy! It’s snowing!” Marian shouted happily and headed for the door. Guy reacted when he saw her leaving the manor in just her evening gown of very thin material. He came to his feet and hurried after her. When he came to the door he stopped suddenly and looked over the village. The snow was swarming down on the ground, covering it with enormous, white fluffy snowflakes.

Marian was standing in the middle of the yard, just letting the snowflakes hit her. She smiled and turned to Guy who still stood at the door with his arms folded. When he looked away she took the opportunity to gather some snow in her hands and hurry towards him. She smiled and stopped in front of him.

“Why are you standing here? It’s snowing, Guy! Come on.” Marian said and waited for him to enter the white ground.

“I’m not really into snow, Marian. I’ll wait here.” He said and licked his lip as he looked at her. Marian looked at the ground for a while before she met his eyes again. His eyes seemed bluer than ever because of the white snow reflecting from the ground. She smiled playfully which made Guy raise an eyebrow.

“What?” he asked doubtfully. He didn’t notice that Marian had both hands behind her back until now and when he finally got it together his eyes widened and he stared at her. “Oh, no. not a chance…” he said and was about go back inside.

But Marian was much quicker than him and he got a snowball smashed in his face before he could think of something himself. He stood there on the doorstep with snow all over his features and he tried to get most of it away by shaking it off and then brush away the rest with his hand.

Marian stood laughing loudly before him and the snow was still flying around her.

“You will regret this!” Guy said and lunged forward to catch her but Marian began to run around outside the manor, still with the laughter high in her throat.

Guy couldn’t keep his laugh to himself either. So he chased her across the yard and soon he reached her and pulled them both down on the snowy ground. They rolled around until Guy landed on his back and Marian landed on top of him. Sitting on his abdomen, Marian smiled down at him. But her smiled quickly faded when she saw his expression.

He didn’t smile; neither did he look at her at first. He sighed deeply and raised his eyes.

“Marian, I have to tell you something…” he began, he sounded very serious and Marian felt an uncomfortable feeling building inside.

He glared at her. “Well, I’ve done this thing… Please, tell me you will still love me…”

“Guy, what-“

“Marian. Tell me.” he said strongly and looked in to her eyes.

“I will always love you, Guy…” Marian said. She was very worried and confused in this moment.

“Good.” he said. “Because if I were you, I would close my eyes…” he whispered and grabbed a hand full of snow and threw it in Marian’s face.

Marian was covered with snow, her face was all white and Guy couldn’t keep his chuckle away. They rolled and Guy landed on top of Marian, she looked so cute with snow all over her face. He leaned down.

“You are my little snowflake, and I will always love you.” Guy said peacefully and bent down and pressed his cold lips against hers. But it didn’t take long until both their lips were warm again. The snow covering Marian’s mouth melted and Guy could finally see her again.

Marian smiled, Guy smiled and they both lay there in the snow, embracing each other while the full moon stood high on the glittery sky. The falling snow fell down more smoothly now and the flakes were smaller.

Guy turned to Marian, his leather clad back was white now, but he didn’t care.

“Merry Christmas, Marian.” he said.

“Merry Christmas, Guy.” she replied and after that they both shared their first Christmas kiss as the time passed midnight.

secret santa gift 2009

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