Apr 19, 2004 16:31
One of my best friends, Shannon, has just been diagnosed with Interstitisl Cystitis. It's a disease that affects the bladder. With this news she learned that she will NOT be able to consume any: alcohol, tomatoes, spices, chocolate, caffeinated and citrus beverages, and high-acid foods. Basically everything she likes. I dint know how to take the news at first, cuz she was really upset, but after i looked into it more i think she's gonna be ok. It was the initial shock and uncertainty that scared me the most. Although there is still no cure.
This time I'm mistaken
For handing you a heart worth breakin
Why do i bother? When i was a young kid miserable and utterly alone from living in the closet. I always thought i was going to die alone. Then i came out and life was...life! I was finally free. Now i think i was right...i am going to die alone. There is no one in this world for me.
I Loved Em When They Din´t Give A Muthafuckin´ Shit
Well tonight is the first episode of the new season of Queer As Folk! I can't wait! Tomorrow is 4:20! This year i'm really going ot out do(bie) myself! I think joe is going to come out to me VERY soon. Well i'm off to QY! the end