
Apr 26, 2007 21:06

Title: Chess
Type: Fanfiction, Drabble
Rating: G
Summary: You jump me, I'll jump you - oh, wrong game.
Disclaimer: I do not own Blades of Glory or any related plots and characters. They are the property of others who, as I have previously stated, are not myself. I am merely writing this for fun, and have no intention of using it for profit.
Notes: Written for bog100. I really like this idea, strangely enough...
Crosspost: NONE

Jimmy loved chess. He hadn't been allowed too many games when he was young, since the time he would have spent playing was better put to use training or, if that wasn't possible, studying.

Chess, however, was the exception. Darren MacElroy wasn't keen on it at first, but when Coach had insisted it would help him think logically and help him better work out his moves, just like the anatomy books he'd barely been allowed, he agreed to let him play.

"This game is rigged," Chazz complained after his eighth loss in a row.

Jimmy smiled. "You just need practice."

rating: g, drabble, blades of glory

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