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Comments 17

celen February 26 2010, 13:14:32 UTC
Heh, looks familiar. :D I'm still a bit miffed about the fact that I haven't been able to go skating on real ice yet. Am determined to do that asap. And yay Finland! *waves from here*

Here it's been a total rollercoaster ride with the weather. In the beginning of this week it was something like -22, then it's suddently -10, then it drops to -17 and today it was only -5! The weather forecats for the weekend is hopeful, as it promises something between -2 and +2. Oh, spring, how I wish you'd be here already. ♥


giving_ground February 26 2010, 13:26:48 UTC
I have not either, because I am not allowed to go skating and so do not own skates, which would constitute unnecessary temptation. I've walked across real ice, though. *laughs*

I think we're meant to be a bit colder again this weekend and possibly even having a bit more snow. Stockholm is a tiny bit warmer and more full of people and has already gone sliiiiiiightly slushy, to that point where one feels one is trying to walk on really uncooperative sand. And I fear I may need to get a pair of waterproof boots that fit better than the ones already around the place when the temperature gets more determinedly into positive figures, omg.


elyndys February 26 2010, 13:30:28 UTC
I think I have a copy of Victor/Victoria... I have watched it but I have to say I don't remember it so clearly. ^^' I'm sure it was enjoyable in a 70s kind of way though!

Hee fluffy birdys! :] And mmmm tea. :9 I like seeing your tea habit pics! ;)


giving_ground February 26 2010, 14:47:58 UTC
*laughs* I really don't know what to think of the whole thing. It might be good ridiculous fun or I might get really annoyed with it!

So very fluffy! They've defluffed today and are actually moving around instead of huddling looking miserable. Aaw.

I'm glad someone gets something out of this. :D


februaryfour February 26 2010, 15:51:26 UTC
Wow. I don't know what I was expecting, but it wasn't that!


giving_ground February 26 2010, 16:00:48 UTC
To any particular bit? And I know I'm a very random photographer, oops. *laughs*


februaryfour February 27 2010, 00:36:21 UTC
Oh, no, the winter stuff. It wasn't the sort of landscape I had in my head. ^_^


giving_ground February 27 2010, 07:12:57 UTC
Well, it's not really so much of a landscape, there. *g* But this part of Sweden is basically quite low, only small hills and such, and heavily forested; there are a lot of lakes and a lot of islands. The photos there are basically of an inlet of the Baltic sea, though it's a really long way to open water. And I posted a photo before of the nearest lake frozen over... that's the sort of place this is. What were you thinking of? If you want great dramatic fjords I'm afraid they gave them all to Norway, and the arctic tundra is further north. *laughs*


mayezinha February 26 2010, 20:07:28 UTC
So you'll find the right place as there is tea. XDD

this week we were at 4°C and it was horrible. I don't want to think of +/- °2 . ^^;;

And I'm glad to hear you're doing fine. <3


giving_ground February 27 2010, 07:14:43 UTC
We are well-stocked now. :D

I can hardly dream of +4! Goodness. XDDD But it's +1 and foggy right now. They're beginning to warn about flooding, I think, because there's so much snow and ice everywhere and it's all going to start melting now. And it may also keep raining. For added watery fun.



the_great_elk February 26 2010, 21:56:54 UTC


giving_ground February 27 2010, 07:14:55 UTC
Tea! indeed. :D


the_great_elk March 1 2010, 02:47:30 UTC
And it comes in such lovely little paper bags.


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