Aim for the Ace is incredibly 70s. It shows its age. It's stupid and and pretty slow. The animation is awful. It's about high school tennis. Everyone has ... I hesitate to say amazing hair, actually, but they sure do have a lot of it.
The opening theme begins with the lines, "On the tennis court everyone is alone. No-one else can really understand my love and my pain." REALLY.
It's Historic! Really very early shojo.
I admit, my fascination with it is mostly down to:
1. sparkles!!!111!1!1!
2. slight fixation with tracing the History Of Stuff.
I'm also watching it because I'm far too out of it tonight for anything containing genuine drama (i.e. Rose of Versailles), so a series where drama consists of "Will Hiromi manage to hit the ball this time????" sounds pretty great to me.
(No, really! This is one of the main points frequently in question.)
I could offer screencaps to actually illustrate my points. I have a whole bunch! But for now I will leave you with this one:
Really now.