Mar 19, 2006 22:09
I am not: who you think I am.
I hurt: because of nerve endings.
I hate: ticks!
I fear: fear itself.
I crave: caffeine.
I regret: not caring.
I cry: for all the forsaken souls out there.
I drive: myself into fits of laughter.
I sing: to annoy.
I dance: to be a fool.
I write: on my hand often.
I breathe: to live.
I play: hooky, rarely.
I miss: the forgotten memories.
I learn: many a thing everyday! Goan…
I feel: my tongue against the roof of my mouth.
I know: nothing for sure.
I say: high, you say low
I dream: of being in a flying car with an old woman in casts, going to the “new world”, named Iraq. She tells me slowly and softly with a far off look that in the new world you only watch tv once a month and read books day in, day out. I sigh with pleasure but tell her I must live life, jumping out the back window, falling into a desert village. I’m chased by the cops until I fall upon a bean farm where the farmer tells me I can choose one of his sons and live with them…oh and of Genie.
I wonder: about the finite amount of gene variations and when the hell my twin is coming along.
I worry: same as above.
I have: to stop wasting my time.
I give: but it’s never enough.
I love: nothing?
So that's it I'm moving to Toronto in the fall. Hopefully to live with Caitlin.
Me and the boy have been datin' for two months now, things are grand.