Wasting time and I was certainly wasting time earlier
Career shift: William Shatner no longer studies the mating habits of Tribbles, but endorses the fiber content of Kellog's All Bran. "Make Fiber your Friend!"
Bulletin: Mcgill, denying all evidence otherwise, claims William Shatner never attended their institution of higher education.
News Flash: Girl, 21, sticks a wire hanger down a drain to unclog the pipe. Sleeps the rest of the day. Attends work for a late night shift. On her way home she's hit accidentally by a bus. Dies. Authorities suspect cause is linked to the previously mentioned mangled wire hanger.
Officer Hidge notes, "This is the fifth case this month. It's a pattern. People keep dying on the day in which they used a wire hanger in an obscure manner. For example just the other week a man had a fatal heart attack after using a wire hanger to unlock his car door."
Hidge warns the public to be wary of their hanger usage or soon enough "Hanger Death" may turn into an epidemic. He goes on to say, "Keeping an eye on how one uses a wire hanger may not be sufficient in protecting against this enigma. The population not only should be using plastic hangers but should also be ridding the home of any made of wire. If we all take these preventative precautions further harm may come to an end."
When questioned the girl's family had no comment other than they hoped others would not be inflicted with their same loss.
Now off to watch the oscars...