Bob Fucking Weir

Apr 22, 2009 17:49

So I thought I was screwed on my bug collection. Turns out I'm 20/50 so far, yesss. ...with two weeks to get the other 30. Damn... But hey, I conquered 12 taxa today in a few hours. I think among this Friday, this Sunday, next Wednesday, and probably next Friday- I will be good to go. I was about to go collecting today after lab, but I have to go to a fucking play tonight for class. I have no idea what it's about nor how long it lasts. Can't waaaait.

Emailed VCU again, and those motherfuckers! The grad school says they're waiting on the Bio department to make their decisions since there is no definite deadline. Also, that jackass professor who I've emailed and called.. has not responded. So I can only assume I got rejected, yessss!

Also, got a reply from a professor from Arkansas Tech. He seemed a little overly excited about my interest. Hmm... But I'm sure once he sees my GRE and GPA scores, he will be no longer. Hahaha. Ahhhh, I'm so screwed after graduation. But his projects seem pretty damn cool. I'd either be working on an endangered type of darter or studying huge pikes in a lake. Either way, I won't hear back until like mid-May. Fuck me.

OH OH OH! Check out the facebook. They actually have an app. for the top 5 people you'd like to punch in the face. HELL YES.

RHB is gonna play a frat party this Saturday. I am gonna get trashed and exhausted from playing for three hours straight, but it's gonna be fun as hell. It's funny though. We only got the gig because our psuedo-brother band, The Shack Band, weren't able to do it since their drummer blew his shoulder out. Hahaha, I love it. Can't get no respect. Can't get nothing!

Yeah, this update wasn't so exciting.

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