Apr 07, 2009 13:26
1. Why the hell did I have to clean snow off my windshield this morning on APRIL 7th!?
2. I love how my Cell & Molecular professor gets pissed when everyone stops paying attention to him. Not only is it the most boring topic I've ever experienced, but also he rambles in a monotone voice and spends 15 minutes on a single biological reaction. So I bring you a sublist of things I do in class to distract myself from learning:
1. Read the Collegiate Times.
2. Attempt the crossword puzzle in the paper.
3. Get mad at the crossword puzzle and scribble all over it creating a fascinating array of squiggles, swirls, and violent ways to destroy the crossword with tiny little stickmen with chainsaws, dynamite, etc.
4. Rock the fuck out of the Sudoku in the paper. Unless it was classified "hard" in which case refer back to 3.
5. Sing songs in my head and act like I'm paying attention.
6. Scribble poetry and act like it's the shit.
7. Imagine what the professor is talking about is actually insanely riveting and completely nonrelated to the actual topic.
3. Hell yeah, I just won a free bacon, egg, and cheese biscuit. Unfortunately, I probably won't ever redeem because it's fucking stupid little piece of plastic and paper 1x2 inches big. Me losing it is a high possibility.
4. Okay, the janitor dude in Derring right now is creeping me the fuck out. He's the type who rambles to himself incoherently- much like the lady in West End who's paid to do something but clean up lazy people's trash ... and also like the lady at Kroger who was singing "Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday everyday" on a Sunday morning. Only this guy curses.. very obscenely and often. He's not only a crazy- he's an angry crazy. I'm talking like beating on doors to empty rooms with his fist and violently tearing down papers on the wall and shredding them up. .....
5. Also, what the fuck is the deal with mayonnaise? Why do people use it? I think that shit has no taste whatsoever and is practically fat. Seriously, I just looked it up and it's about 85% fat. WHAT THE FUCK IS THE POINT? It has no taste. Do you just need to hydrate your sandwich? Then fucking dip it in some goddamn water! The two main bases for the shit is egg yolks and vegetable oil. WTF? I think people should just start eating fat straight-up instead messing around with this mayonnaise business.
6. Also, fuck Firefox. Just tried to look up the history on mayo. I hit ctrl+W thinking it would start a new window. But no, it closed the window. GUHHH. Thankfully, the smart intellectual people at LiveJournal have developed a great technological advance in updating your journal by providing you the option to recover any previously lost text from the former window. Hell yes, it took them about ... ten years, but they finally got it.
7. Still no word from VCU. I can only assume the Graduate School just fell asleep Van Winkle style. I guess I should get 'em a call to see if they ever got my damn documents.
I think this should suffice for today.