My Blister Split and My Gunshot Scabbed: Song Title?

Mar 31, 2009 16:35


So you know what I find absolutely ironic? Fat doctors. You know they're out there. Say you're in the hospital after a heart attack. Your fatassoctor strolls in your $2000/day room and tells you, "Sorry, Jerel, you can't have anymore salt, sweets, or carbs." Do you really believe him? Or you do you just laugh in his face and tell him the same. I think I would say, "Hey buddy, why don't you stop sitting in your office snacking on your king sized snickers, and stop making me wait 2 hours for a five minute check up!?... .. ... FATASS!"

In other news, my ongoing saga of substituting a class for another continues. Here's the timeline:

1. Back in October, Dr. Randolph signed off for replacing FW Biomonitoring with Aq. Entomology.
2. Early March, my academic advisor tells me the substitution hasn't happened.
3. Days later, the advisor sets up a pointless meeting tell me so again and gives me a form.
4. Next day, go to the UAP office to tell them to sub, but they instead email my advisor.
5. Today 2pm, go by the bio office to check up, assuming it's done. She sends me to the registrar.
6. Today 3pm, go by the registrar, they tell me they need a signature from the UAP office.
7. Today 4pm, go to the UAP office, and they tell me they already contacted registrar. Go by tomorrow.

Now I'm going to try this one more time. Go by the college of science and get another signature. If they don't take it, then I may have to lay down some shit talking, god dammit! I'm sick of this shit! I've had three different places tell me they can't make the sub, when I KNOW ALL THREE OF THEM CAN DO IT! FUCK YOU VIRGINIA TECH AND YOUR SHITTY BUREAUCRACY!


I was brushing my teeth last night, looked in the mirror after rinsing. My tongue has what appears to be mold covering the rear half of it. A nice white coloration with faint green spotting. Awesommmme. I think I should go see the doctor again soon...

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