Jul 15, 2009 23:33
In a fit of craftiness, I dug through my tupperware to find the Athena rosary I made last year that had broke. I managed to find almost all of the beads, and after a quick trip to the craftstore, accrued all of the tools necessary to fix it. I put it on stretchy string so it would not break like last time, although perhaps I will find some with less tension if I make one of these again.
To me, the most important part of the rosary is the words you will put it to. I had found a wonderful hymn, and had it above the Athena altar since I'd moved here. It was a pleasure to put it together, and put in some appropriate beads. As a whole, it has rather grey and blue hues, and a little owl graces the end with some small bells to allow her thoughts to verbalize. When I put it on, it looked great. I had to try it out before I knotted it all up and I think my Lady was pleased, because a very tiny spider crawled across my right shoulder. And I was in the house at the time!
Ok, actually the little guy surprised me, and with a puff of air I blew him into the abyss. So I hope he is ok.
Additionally, these lovely white moths keep coming into the house. They look like bits of the moon, as they are so lumenescent. I will of course be making a rosary for Hekate, and am now considering one for the Trevia of the moon, if I can figure out a piece that unites the three parts. I like to use traditional Homeric and Orphic hymns because I find the Gods answer readily in their familiarity, but we don't have surviving hymns for everybody. If you find some nice ones, send them to me!
I also want to make a rosary for the Charge of the Goddess and God (honestly, the ATC version of the Charge of the God is the best I've read...and I've read a lot of them!). I think it will help me memorize the Full Moon rit.
Also, I had an idea to make personalized zodiac necklaces. Imagine a piece of jewelery that reflects you and only you! But I'll have to buy more beads...so perhaps it'd better wait. If they are really cool, maybe folks would want to have one custom made for them. I also found a cool pendant that has a zodiac wheel with a variety of symbols. It's hard to describe, but neat!