Apr 02, 2009 18:55
So my computer has been dead for about two weeks now. I miss it terribly. It started restarting on its own, then finally stopped starting. Vista tried to fix itself, which caused more trouble. M was sure it needed Vista to be reinstalled (and, as it's a dell, of course I don't have the disk). Finally today I took it in to the Geek Squad, and they told me it's full of trojans, adware and viruses! No wonder! Then they wanted to charge me upwards of $200 to fix it. I figured I'd just buy some anti-virus and do it myself for lots and lots less, but antivirus only protects, not removes. I'm thinking of taking it to a local computer guy here in Ptown. But I'm afraid he'd charge MORE! Anyone have any ideas for me?
Also, I got my text book info for next quarter. Apparently, Homeletics is a fancy word for Preaching, and the text books the prof wants have been out of print for 40 years. I found one on amazon through a secondary party for $5, but haven't had any luck with the other one. I went to Tacoma Books and Half Priced Books, but to no avail. They even checked on antiquary and abebooks.com. I also fruitlessly went to Borders and checked Ebay. Does anyone have any freaking clue where I can get this book?!
"Preaching: Principals and Practices" 3rd Edition by Thomas H. Holland
If you find it somewhere and buy it for me, I will pay you back!! I guess i have till May to get it squared away. I'm hoping on making a trip up to Bellingham soon, and there are lots of (weird) used book stores there, so maybe I'll have better luck.
Money is in for the car (sort of, in that way where the bank doesn't trust it will all go through). I maybe spent some of it on books. Ok, a lot on books. But I need them! And I've been so good lately, honest! But they gave me much more than I thought the thing was worth, and when the guilty parties insurance goes through, I'll get my deductable back. Dad and I are going car shopping on Sunday and Monday, so we will hopefully find what I'm am looking for. Must remember to save $$ to pay for the rental I've been using.
I'm planting seeds! I will have a garden this year! I dont' know where yet, but I'm sure there is plenty of Ivy and Blackberries that need to be moved.