Doctors are Stupid

Feb 19, 2008 19:13

If you've read
smilesriles post from yesterday, you'll know that last night was a little over-exciting. I woke up about 1am with pretty bad abdominal pain. Thinking it was horrible gas (there was much eating out this weekend), I took tums. Then it started feeling painfully familiar, and I'm like "maybe a kidney stone again?", so I drank a bunch of water, hoping to flush it out, rather than pass it. The pain didn't subside for half an hour, when I was like "ok, hospital!" I got out of bed and got dressed, remembering to take a book, but not my coat (dumb ass). The pain was less but still throbbing. My roommate wasn't home and I knew he was at his girlfriends, so I called and called and banged on the door. After a few minutes of this, I started freaking out and crying. Finally, Sam picked up the phone. I may have yelled. She opened the door and I stumbled in, decrying my need to go to the hospital. Riley then had the smarts to put a shirt on, but not pants. Then his coat, but still no pants. It was kind of funny.

Anyhoo, hospital was hospital-ful. They saw me within 45 minutes, took urine and blood (THIEVES!), and gave me some sweet, sweet drugs, and an IV (which I was hoping would make me less thirsty, but didn't). I kept almost falling asleep, and then someone would come in to check on me. They let me go about 5am, as I wasn't in pain anymore, with directions to see my doc at the health center for maybe an ultrasound. They never told me the results of anything. One nurse suggested maybe a gall stone, except that it had been hours since I ate last.

So I slept until 1:30 this afternoon, and made an appointment with the Student Health Center for 2:45. They saw me, and looked equally puzzled. We ruled out appendicitis. I got a pelvic exam (so not PID), and she determined that I was probably ovulating. They took MORE blood and urine. It was like they couldn't figure out what was wrong with me, unless I had actual symptoms right then. I"ll know tomorrow or the day after about the blood work. We did rule out pregnancy (yay!). I wanted to rule out constpiation, but she wasn't willing to cross it off the list.

I'm kind of angry about the whole thing. I KNOW there is something wrong with my body. I'm supposed to believe that two weeks ago, I had a urinary tract infection, then had a random sickness a few days ago, then had to go to the hospital last night because I was ovulating? Fuck that. Something down there isn't doing what it's supposed to.  I want them to figure it out so they can fix it, instead of me worrying whether things are symptoms or my imagination.

So Riley is staying here tonight, and I have permission to take the day off again tomorrow. I'm not sure if I will. I'm pro-day off, but it'll also be an easy day. And since nobody knows what is wrong with me, and I feel mostly ok now (a little shaky and exhausted, but that's not really a surprise), then it seems pointless to take the day off. The worst thing is that I have no insurance.


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