(no subject)

Jan 30, 2006 16:33

If anyone were to venture close to the hide out belonging to Lock Shock and Barrel, they would hear horrid shrieks and clanging.

Shock is Not Amused. And she's taking it out on Barrel and a multitude of dishware.


Lock, for his part, had quickly retreated to his room to wait out the storm. Shock was a Witch when she was angry.




"I knew who she was before you even knew she existed. Can I tell you why I made friends with her now?"


"Simple. Remember what Jack said to us after Oogey Boogey melted?" Barrel waits a moment for Shock to calm down and think.

"....That if we wanted to, we could work for him? That he'd take us with him.. if we worked for him and were.. nicer to the others?"

Barrel nods. "You drilled that into my head so many times that I can't forget it," He rubs the hole where she bolted in the last screw, "and it's kinda like what Tim says about being nice to the others in Milliways. You gotta do good stuff to get good stuff."

Shock doesn't know quite what to say or think at the moment. Barrel hadn't ever before shown that he had an ounce of sense in his whole being.

This was cause for pondering.

"So, if we're nice to Sunny, Bernard's nice to us."

"I think he'd have to be. I mean, that's how the rules work, right?"

"I don't know. Maybe." It's too simple of a plan, it couldn't possibly work.

"You think we could get him to help us build a fort in the forest? He'll have to know some people who could whip one up fast." Lock hadn't heard screaming in a while, so he figured he'd come check who died.

"We could convince Sunny it's a part of Halloween." Shock's eyes gleam with inner cackling.

"YEAH." Shock always thought up the best plans, after all.


The next few hours involved the boys eating and Shock pacing around, gathering some things.

"We need pumpkins."


"Pumpkins. Five with ghosts in them."


"Sunny you dimwit."


"C'mon! We'll have to use extra nightshade this time. Gonna take us forever to get five ghosts to go along with the plan."

Fifteen minutes later and the Triplets are heaving a snoring Keeper of the Patch behind a tombstone to sleep off their "special brew".

"Right. Okay, so. Let's do this quiet, so no one can hear us-"

"Why wouldn't you want anyone to hear you?"

Lock Shock and Barrel each facepalm at exactly the same time.

"Oh! Hi Jack. How're you?"

"Tired. Very. But alas, Tepest is not." The squirming creature Jack is trying to keep a grip on flails tiny bones at Shock. "What are you doing? And why is Norman snoring over there next to his grave? He's usually up by now." Jack gives them a Look which plainly states 'Do NOT try my patience.'

"You know that place we told you about?"

"With the other Jack."

"Yes. That one. Well, there's a Fle-"


"Whatever. There's this kid, Sunny. And she's never even done Halloween, so we were thinking of doing something nice and setting one up for her. And we even invited her here, and she wanted to come, but her dad, Bernard, remember, we told you about him, he said no. So we're bringing Halloween to her. Including five pumpkins, with ghosts."

"Why knock out Norman then?" Jack shifts a bit to try another way of holding Tepest. Tepest is Not Amused.

"Because he'd say no."

Jack sighs, rolls his.. eye sockets and nods. "Well, I say yes. But they have to go willingly."

Jack sets Tepest down in a very large pumpkin to his right.

"Would you mind?" The pumpkin closes down its lid and Tepest peers out from triangled eyes. "It'll be just a moment, thank you."

Stepping carefully, Jack makes his way to the center of the Patch.

"Excuse me, everyone? May I please have your attention?" A long pause for the ghosts and pumpkins to awaken.

"Thank you, Thank you! Lock, Shock-" A chorus of boos and hisses ring out- "Yes, yes, I know, I know." To Lock Shock and Barrel, "Maybe I'll try a new tack? Yes, I think that would be wise."

He clears his throat and the hissing and boos die out.

"Thank you. Again. Now, I ask you this favor, on behalf of Lock," Beat. "Shock," and another, "and Barrel." He pauses again, looking around.

"I ask that five of you ghosts and five of you pumpkins accompany them to the Other World. The Human World. To help in the instruction of a small human child named Sunny."

The ghosts and pumpkins murmur amongst themselves. "Would this child do to us what they would?" Jack inclines his head to hide a smirk, Lock Shock and Barrel don't hide giggles.

"No, I'm sure, No, I am CERTAIN that Lock Shock and Barrel will agree to not smash or turn a fan on any of the volunteers. And they will likewise make CERTAIN that this human child Sunny does the same."

Jack turns a strong smile on them, one that silently communicates a tremendously terrifying threat if the agreement is broken.

"Sure, sure! But you'll have to stay for a while, don't exactly know how long."

"We'll discuss it then."

"Could ya hurry it up?"



The ghosts gather together in a circle and the pumpkins send signals down the vines.

"We'll give you your answer, and any volunteers, in the morning."

"That's fine, that's fine, thank you again!" Jack grabs Lock and Barrel by the collars and eyes Shock with a warning glance.

"Come along you three. We'll wait together with Norman."


"Hm.. fascinating. Fascinating."

"Oh! Hey. Is Sally here in Halloween Town?"

"Why yes, she is. Why do you ask?"

"Cause we saw her. In Milliways."

"Oh? Really now?"

"Yep. Talking to a fleshie. Tall, long hair." Shock slurps up some murk mud from her tea cup.

"I'll have to ask her." Jack snickers and lets Tepest suck some murk water from his fingers.

"Hey Jack, got a question."

"Then ask."

"Am I really a skeleton? I mean, I have skin and innards and stuff."

Jack smiles sadly. "Oh, well,.." Beat. "No, I'm sorry Barrel, you aren't. But, you may one day become one, if you're lucky. Same goes for the two of you," he nods to Shock and Lock in turn, "you aren't yet fully a witch or demon, but you both are showing signs of capabilities, if what I'm hearing is true."

A sudden cold spot sends shivers all over the Triplets.

"I'd like to go with the children to live with Sunny." A smallish, female ghost appears behind Jack, wringing her hands.

"I do miss children."

"Oh, well! That is good." Jack smiles and pats the ground next to himself. "Do you have a name?"

The ghost comes to a rest between Jack and Lock, sending chills all over Lock. "I, well, I don't remember. Maybe the child Sunny can name me?"

"If you wish." He nods to Shock, who nods back.

"Sure. You can ask her yourself. So, does this mean that we can take some pumpkins?"

"Well, no, the others were still debating on how to punish you three if you go back on your word."


"Ah, Shock?" Jack raises a hand to silence her. Turning to the ghost, he smiles. "Tell them that everything will be taken care of. I have a friend there who will see to it that nothing cruel happens to any of you. On my word."

The Trio decide tis better to not question Jack on who is 'friend' is, and continue to wait.

A few hours later and dawn seeps over the horizon. Tepest is gurgling in her sleep, clutching hold to Jack's lapel.

The Triplets are lumped together in Tub, dreaming of nefarious plots and plunderings.

And Jack is quietly making out a note to Bernard and Tim.

"Jack, we have an answer."

Jack looks up from his parchment and smiles broad. "Boys? Shock?" He nods to Tub and he (Tub) shakes violently, waking the slumbering snots.


The ghost snorts. "We have volunteers." He eyes the female ghost coldly.

Jack rises, patting Tepest on the back. "Good, good. Now let me just finish this letter to Bernard and we'll gather all of you together and explain things to Norman."
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