Aug 06, 2015 21:51
So, LJ users are completely amazing. Which means I already reached my minimum in answers needed. I've been walking on clouds the whole day. In case you read this and answered one of my surveys... THANK YOU SOSO MUCH YOU'RE BLOODY AMAZING!
Writing-wise, I'm currently working on my kinkmeme fill, because I'm terribly late and really need to finish this baby. Which also means Nessaja and my newest plot bunny will still need some time. Meanwhile I decided on an alias. (Yes, I know pretentious but I love it.) From now on, you may call me Ms. Wensleydale. (or Ms. W)
(... look up Monty Python's Cheese shop sketch on YouTube. You won't regret it.)
I guess that's it for now. I'll try finish my fill and on the side my dissertation... without becoming an alcoholic. :P
monty python,