I'm currently doing some research for my master's degree and I need any help that I can get from any reader or writer of amateur fiction. (i.e. fiction not written by a professional author, fiction that is not officially published. I guess, if you're here you know what I'm talking about.)
Therefore I really really need you to answer this short (very, very short. I can't stress enough how short it is.) survey. The title for my dissertation is likely to be "How the internet has influenced amateur writers and possible implications for the publishing industry".
So my basic aims are to find out:
1. What online services writer use for which purpose.
2. How readers perceive non-professional fiction.
I don't seek in any way to make fun of these people. As an amateur writer myself I respect everyone of you.
This survey is voluntary and anonymous, there are no mandatory questions.
So PRETTY PLEASE, take 5 minutes and help a (kinda desperate) fellow writer.
Survey for readers Survey for writers Thank you so much for taking the time to help me!!! *virtual hugs and kisses*