Fuck this shit

Aug 25, 2004 23:14

I really hope that we can find a way to get money for the Caravan. It's my life. One of the only reasons I am still here in Memphis. There are 2 things that I will miss if I leave and one of them is about to go under. If this happens I will more than likely move to Murfreesboro. If I stay here I will never start school. I need to so bad but I don't have the motivation. The people here don't motivate me to do shit even though I need to motivate myself. Everything about Nashville is amazing. I guess it is just amazing because I haven't lived there my whole life like most of you. The drama that is there isn't my drama and that is what I need right now. I have formed a lot of friendships with people in the 8 days that I was there and I have a stronger bond with those people than most of the people I have known for years here in Memphis. I already have so many people that said that they could put me up until I get a job there and can afford to get an apartment. Hopefully by that time there will be someone that will want to get one with me. I don't want to make Alex feel like he has to move with me. He will be leaving behind so much. It is a lot easier for me to just pick up and leave. I don't have anything holding me down. I guess that is how I have always been. My mom told me that she wouldn't mind if I moved there because she said that she did it and loved it. She met so many people even though it was a bad time in her life. I have been trying to get her to want to move there all week. I know that she could find a better job. All she needs to do is look and I am sure there are a lot more job opportunities there than here. She needs it. She needs to be taken away from here just as bad as I need it.

I got to see 9 double deuce and Burn Baby Burn tonight. Amazing as always. I think I am just going to get the tattoo Mark gave me actually tattooed on me. Sounds like a good idea. Don't you think?

I am sitting at Lindsey's new apartment right now. When I first walked in I just stood and stared in awe. I want a place of my own. A place where I can have as many people over as I want or just have the whole place to myself. It is just absolutely gorgeous.

There is something missing in my life and I can't figure out what it is. Maybe it is happiness or passion or freedom or just about a million other things. I need to clear my mind. Get some fresh air. Go on a long walk that never ends. I need to travel maybe even go on tour. That would be exciting. I would meet plenty of new people that way. Broaden my horizons. Most choices to move to. Who knows. Maybe tomorrow something will just hit me and I will up and leave.

I am going to go and be social.

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