it has been an awful long time since my last entry. I mostly blame my schedule for it. I barely get to sit down and relax except for the weekends, and then I'm usually to lazy to sit in front of the computer to type. So lets get up to date! Most important things first.
Skeeter and Cynder are still alive. They constantly try my patience and tempt fate, but come out on top. I am on step 2 of toilet training them. As of right now, the litter box is next to and level with the toilet seat, and they are using it just fine. Of course, my bathroom and toilet are now covered in loose litter, but it will all be worth it in the end. The next step is the litter box on the toilet seat, and finally a insert to go into the toilet. After that, the cats will be litter box free, and I will only have to flush the toilet! For their viewing pleasure, I have set up two suet feeders and one bird house on the gutter outside the windows of their room. It's so hilarious watching both of them perched upon a box with their tails twitching watching birds.
Ash Lee, Dizzy, Angel, and Crystal are also fine. The tom has made an appearance again, and he is messing with the cats at times. I really want to catch him and get rid of him proper, but everytime I set up the trap, I manage to only catch Angel. Ash has started to become lovey again, which is nice. Dizzy is as adorable as ever, but she's become a major pain in my butt at times. Since the weather is warming up, I will go outside to feed/hay/work w/o my heavy jacket on or sometimes my overalls. Thin clothing and sharp claws do not mix well. She also has been getting in the way when I go to target shoot in the gully behind the farm. But she's so cute, how can I stay mad at her?
Speaking of my bow, I did purchase a bow for myself. It's something I've been wanting for awhile, and it has a variety of uses. Besides geese removal(permanently) and also woodchuck removal(also permanent), it is also a good form of exercise and a stress reliever, will help me provide food if the world goes to hell, and considering actress
Gina Davis almost made the US Olympic archery team, it could a ticket to Olympic gold. I found a guy who sells/repairs them pretty reasonably at Englishtown Auction, so after coming into some money, I blew it on my bow. I set up some moldy hay bales(can't feed them to the horses) as targets/backstops, and take some shots now and then when I have time. It's also given me some chances to create things for the bow that I need, rather than buy them. I just made a quiver out of PVC last night while watching the Riches, so I saved some money there. I also am in the process of making a pro-style finger tab, which I based on a design I found online. After catching my arm on one of the first shots, which resulted in a nice little raspberry, I did fold and buy a nice pro bracer. I got it for half off, which wasn't to bad at all. I also got some new arrows, and have plans to get more, in case I lose any. I had thought I lost one already, but after hacking down a lot of thorn bushes this weekend, I found it!! Next to build is a bow rest for when I have to put down my bow outside. Inside I hung a hook from the ceiling in my office, and I hang the bow there when not using it. Since the bow has a 60lb pull, and a far let off, it's a great work out for my arm. Once I get my finger tab made, I can really start getting in some shots every night, as w/o it, 60lbs spread over 1/8" hurts a lot. My aim is slowly improving, and the only thing I seem to be able to hit repeatedly is the space between the two bales of hay, which results in a arrow disappearing into the (used to be)brush behind it. Since the bow has such a high draw weight, it was also putting arrows almost completely through the bales. I have since got some foam from Collingswood Flea Market for in between the bales, and also added some burlap to the back of the bales. Since I'm using target points, they don't go through the sacks, so it's way better.
Speaking of auctions/flea markets, as anyone who has checked out my away messages(you haven't? Shame!) has seen, I have been hitting them up pretty often. Since I started my new wet shaving/safety razor habit, I have been amassing a collection for myself, and also a small on for my Father. I will present him with a nice kit on Fathers Day, which I hope he will enjoy. In order to get some nice razors, I have had to get some bad ones also. I have gotten some razors on eBay and others at the flea markets/antique stores. The market razors tend to be cheaper, and you get a good look at them, so you get better quality. But the price you pay is quantity, and any you find are a treasure. eBay on the other hand, has more quantity, but less quality, and is very expensive sometimes. You also do not get to handle the razors, and are at the sellers mercy. I have only gotten burned once so far::knocks on wood::, so I am considering myself lucky. Antique stores are in the middle of two, and tend to be less expensive than eBay, better quality, but still low quantity. I now currently have over 30+ razors. I have six that I am evaluating for my daily shavers, and five in my "collection", which are for display. I have a few picked out for my Dad also. Once I figure out which ones will go to my Dad, the rest are going to slowly be put up on eBay. If I get $10-15 dollars for each razor that I sell, that will pay for all of the razors on a whole, which is good. I have no doubt I can get that much b/c that's what the market has been commanding. Even if I take a slight loss, it's still not that bad, b/c I will have gotten my Dad a nice Fathers Day gift. I do really enjoy the safety razors though. The shaves are great, and except for a few bad shaves due to bad blades or water conditions, I mostly end up very smooth. But about the flea markets. It's very refreshing to get up on a Saturday morning, take a quick shower in, talk w/ my Dad, then go out for a few hours and walk the markets. Never underestimate the intoxicating qualities of fresh air. Also, don't count out the food there, either. I found a guy who does nuts at Englishtown who makes some kick ass Butter Toffee Cashews that are to die for. The way I see it, I work off the calories walking around the market.
The farm is doing well. Since we got rid of our worst clients(whom have since started pulling the same stuff they did w/ us at their new place), we have less horses, but more owners/trainers. Everyone is happy with how their horses are looking coming from our place, which is great! My Dad's been down almost every day, and I think he's looking better and I think he's feeling better. If he would only take my advice about yogurt, I think he'd be all set. I have to admit I'm starting to enjoy working at the farm sometimes. This Sunday I put about 12 hours of work in, which I'm still paying for, but felt great. I burned a lot of stuff, and did some other things, like work on the firepit. I added stone dust into the holes of the cinder blocks I use to circle the pit, so they shouldn't move, and also not crack as much as they used to, because they are more solid. I also started breaking in my new boots, b/c the last ones went all crappy like. I got some Army boots, which are good, except that the top of the boots hits the bottom of my calf, and it causes some pain. Also, my Dad sold his trailer. He didn't have much use for it, and someone offered him a little more than he paid for it a few years ago, so he made out. Ironically, I spotted a trailer for sale the other day on rt. 33, and he's already thinking about buying it. I offered to front him some money if he needed it, and if we could find a truck, I think we'd be set to do run back and forth to the track. Maybe I finally can slap a bandanna on Huck and he can be my co-pilot.
Speaking of Huck, he's fine. He's been pretty well behaved lately. The only problem I have is his habit of coming up on the bed when I don't invite him. I don't know if it's a bad habit he picked up during the last few years, when he used to jump in bed to get attention, or if the cats are messing w/ him and he just decides that once he's out, and I don't say anything b/c I'm asleep, he can jump up. He's also re-registered for the year, so he got a nice new tag in addition to the new name tag I got him a little while back. I still think he's lonely since only Skeeter will play w/him, and not for that long.
Work is work, and that's pretty much all I can say. I did my taxes late this year b/c of hold ups w/ my Dad's returns. I got mine in early last week, but he got his in on the 15th at the post office in town. I should be getting a kick ass return check, so I'm psyched. Since interest rates are horrible, I think I'll enroll them in some 6 month CD's, so that if there is a up turn, I can take advantage of a better rate.
Family is doing OK. Easter was nice this year. My cousin Jenny is preggers, and it's so facisinating to me. Pregnancy is just so wonderus to me. My Aunts are already planning to spoil the child. Jenny is doing a good thing and not finding out the sex of the baby, which I think is cool. I know I am destined to have all girls for two reasons. One, I will be horribly overprotective parent, and two, I think fate will not give me the chance to ever have a SteveDave like I want. Also, my cousin Amy is getting married in about two weeks from now. It's at a nice place, so I can't wait. I must remember to pack my shoes this time. Luckily, I picked up a shoe shine kit at the auction this weekend($3), so I can finally shine shoes proper. I just have to pick out which suit to wear, and the most important thing, which tie. I think the $115 silk tie is the forerunner, as it is worthy of the event I am attending.
Really, that's all I can think of for now. It's been a semi busy day, and it's not getting any less busy. I still have to go home, go out for Happy Hour to unwind, come back to the house and start working on my bow rest, and do whatever else rears it's head to try and distract me. But then I get to sleep. Nothing beats throwing on a pair of wool socks and curling up under the wool blankets on my bed. And on that note, I am off to a night of busy work. If anyone needs me for anything, the important people have the important numbers. I almost always answer, except if I can't reach the phone, or it's too noisy out to talk. Nighters all.
Quote For Today:
Look to the past and remember and smile,
And maybe tonight I can breathe for awhile.
I'm not in the scene, I think I'm fallin' asleep.
"Feeling This" by Blink 182