Mar 12, 2008 16:22
not much to tell you the truth. My week so far has been pretty boring. I did have a bit of excitement Saturday, but it wasn't as exciting as I expected it to be, damn my imigination.
To recap, I went out to Englishtown Saturday to do some razor browsing. I did find a sweet razor for about $8. I also ended up getting myself a nice new Zippo for my collection. B/c of the bad weather, there were few open vendors, so I will have to wait for a better weekend to go again. After the auction, I went and just hit some stores down on Rt 9 to see what I could find. I did get a new shave cream, which is helping me get closer to a BBS shave. I then stopped into PetSmart for a new tag silencer for Huck's new name tag. While there, I of course went to the back of the store to see their kittens. They were all cute, but I don't need anymore. One had "Muted Tortie" on her sign, which intrigued me. I didn't know if it meant it was a naturally silent cat, or one which had been silenced. Not wanting to disturb the workers, I sent a text to Val, who called me back to explain what muted meant. It did not mean a quiet cat, so Skeeter is safe for a little longer. During the convo, she asked me if I knew anything about plumbing and electrical stuff. Being a jack of all trades, yet a master of none, I said a little. She asked me if I could come over and take a look at her new place, as she's been having electrical and plumbing problems. I said sure, and went home to get some stuff done b4 I headed over. I went home, got some tools(read: too many) ready, and called Val up to get some more info. While on the phone, my dang battery started dying, so I cut the call short and went inside to charge the phone. I was outside for maybe 10 minutes when the power went out again, and HARD. We had NO power. I ran inside, shut Juliet down, grabbed my headlight, and continued feeding. Afterwards, I called up Val, got basic directions to her new place, and headed off.
She's in Jackson now, but in a different direction than I used to go into there. My phone started dying due to the short charge it got b4 the power went out, but it lasted long enough for her to meet up w/ me, and follow her to her place. Since I'm paranoid, I brought WAYYYYY to much stuff than I needed, and the power turned out to be a GFCI trip. The plumbing leak was a horse of a different color. Val had put in a new shower faucet, and the water feeds were too short for the connectors, which meant the seals weren't seating tight and was leading to bad leaks. I tightened some nuts, added some o-rings to shorten the travel distance, and added some PTFE tape to the threads. Powered up the lines, and no leaks that I could see. One of the connectors was mocking me by appearing wet when it wasn't. With my work done, we were both hungry, so we elected to go catch some dinner. Due to the advanced hour, most places were closed. We were close to the back end of Howell, so the decision was made by the GPS for Long Horn, and off we went. Dinner was good, I had a cheeseburger(my standby) and Val had a chicken sandwich. Afterwards, we both headed off. I went home and Val went to pet sit. I had been very tired all day, but with the assistance of 3-4 glasses of Coke at dinner, I made it about as far as my back door. The power was back on, but I had had enough, and off to bed I drug myself.
Sunday was boring, to say the least. The hour ahead thru me some, but I got all of my chores done, and also added a fire onto the list. Got rid of a lot of old mail/paper, which makes me happy. What I didn't do was clean up the stuff I was supposed to on Saturday. That also happened Monday, as I was just blitzed when I got back home from Happy Hour and was barely capable of anything. Yesterday was also a waste. I am hoping to improve some tonight, I swear. OK, that's it for now. Work is over soon, and I can go home.
Nighters all