Spiritual Talk? In MY post? It's more likely than you think...

Apr 19, 2008 03:24

For the good of us all- and the lengths in which I will be typing, I've put it all under a cut.

The Experiences of the Last Few Days
As I stated once before, I'm not in the habit of typing up these kinds of things in my posts. The reason is simple- most of the time, the occurrences that happen within our Circles are not discussed outside of the circles, or without the proper proprieties involved. The difference in this time was a request to deliberately retell the story, and a support that came form a ring of folk to use it as the means to validate the powers of the super/unnatural.

On Weds night, I had an “occurrence” (for lack of better term, I would also use “episode” however that is not what the actual word means in the other language, but the rough gist of it).
I was painting a picture I recently posted. Long winding day, I was working on it strait, knowing that it would be the last painting I would do out here- in the West- before returning home. So with the great burden of the entire move on my mind, I decided to take those 2 days just to focus on my art before the great heave came. And as some of you might have noticed- I posted at how AMAZING the experience of painting that image came- it was one of those images that didn’t even seem to demand much prior thought- I just knew what and how to paint it and that was that. It’s when I get into my “trans” as My Medicine Man would put it.

It was about 4 am and I had decided to finish the Ocelot I was painting, and finish the last 10% of the BG the following day. At this point of time I was EGSHUASTED and slightly in a “free floating” state (where it almost feels like you are walking in a dream)- THAT is how tired I was.
I got up- didn’t even bother to clean the brushes- and just fixed my bed, turned out the lights, did my nightly prayer, and went to bed.
Thing is, when I “feel” like there is another thing with me in the room- namely a Spider- I can’t fall asleep until I kill remove it from my premises. And thought I was absolutely beyond dead-tired, I couldn’t fall asleep. So I hear all the “night noises” that every room does- the cracking as the house settles, the slight movement of the plastic wrap on the floor as the heater starts up- and all of this is just making me lift my head and “look for the sound”. After one persistent sound of something fiddling with my plastic (and convincing myself it HAS to be a mouse or spider. The former I don’t care, but the later good God no), I got up and turned on the light by my computer/bed. As I “looked for the sound”, I noticed I was wide-awake. So much so, I was contemplating maybe I make myself a snack while I wait for the sound again. As soon as I saw it was nothing but the bubble wrap under my comp on the floor, I get fuzzyheaded dead-tired again. I turned to go back to my bed, and glanced at the painting I did on the floor. Turned out the lights, and went back to bed.
Here was the thing; as I was slowly getting heavy, I was thinking about what I saw in my painting- or, to be more accurate- what I didn’t see.
I didn’t see my Ocelot in the painting. There was a dark spot- a black silhouette where it was supposed to be- but the obvious yellow-green eyes and bright pink nose wasn’t there- as if it was cut out.
I was thinking that I should recheck that in the morning, when I felt a small something jump onto the foot of my bed, curl up by my feet ad lay down. So here I thought- great, Doodoo (landlord’s Dachshund) got into my room. Whatever, I’m out like a light at that point.

I had a dream that night that constituted a BIG celebration- many different people dancing in blankets- with a variety of designs on them. I even remember trying to inspect one with a Giant Anteater on it when I saw a Man- and what was funny is that he was casually hanging about, and casually dressed.
The rest of the dream I won’t get into because that is not a good thing for me to talk about- however it was profound, and when I woke up the next morning I realized:
Hoy shit! That was Grandpa!
My Grandfather died MANY years before we (me and my twin) were born. And I have only ever seen 1 picture of him, and stories form my mother. I’ve been told by her and Grandma (rest her soul) that I tend to act more like him than anyone else in the family.

So contemplating that point, I get up from the bed and realized- Wait. Doodoo (the dog) couldn’t have been in my room last night- the basement door is closed and separates the basement from the landlord’s place. And my room personally is LOCKED before I go to sleep at night.


I let myself deal with this issue for the day before speaking to my sister about it. Then I also took the news to my Circle.
Now, unlucky for me that my Mexican Medicine Woman (“Mama-ya”) isn’t back from Mexico just yet. But for some odd reason- unexplainable to many- she gives a ring to our local “hang out” and asks to speak to me. She asks “What happened”. I tell her. She then tells me “You know what happened so wise up and figure it out- and go tell your other friends”.

I do, and everyone is all excited about the occurrence. Long story short- of the well-known things Ocelotl does is grant [passionate] wishes. Or, as Mama-ya put it- “think of something passionate in his name, and truly mean it, and he’ll come”. He can’t resist a woman’s request (Note: Not in a lecherous way). Now this stands true for most Supernatural beings, but only if the price/propriety/gift is right and worth the attention.

As I was packing the other night, I got about of sad “OMG, I’m going to leave, I hate packing, I’m happy and sad and don’t know what all in one” when something dawned onto me. This weekend [Tomorrow] is Passover. Grandpa died shortly before Passover. I wrote my mom an e-mail asking her what was the date of his death (Hebrew date. Jewish tradition has a different calendar). Low and behold, with what I remembered, and by my calculation I was right- On the anniversary of my Grandfather’s death, I dreamed of him.
My mom was very greatly moved.

That is what happened.

The thing about the West and Watches
One of the things that happens out West- and to the testament of not only myself, but numerous other people with no spiritual inclinations of beliefs mind you- is that something funny happens to the Watches out here. They either die to quickly, last way too long, slow down by 5 minutes and after adjust do it again- but only 5 minutes, not more, and so on. And many people on the Island [Vancouver Island] have been the majority of the people I heard complain. I have had 2 watches inexplicably bust on me over the course of 8 months, and went watchless for quite some time.
The thing about time is that time- like some other concepts in out lives- is an abstract non tangible object created by our ancestors long ago. We are aware that it exists, but we can’t sure as hell see it. We live in it, but can’t remove ourselves from it- and somehow, we have applied a measuring system to it.
In some cultures, the Land of the Dead doesn’t exist above ground- it lays far far FAR to the West. Even within the concept of Einsteinium theory, the more “west”/”left” you go on the parabolic function, the time begins to alter itself and fold backwards. And so, the natural explanation is that Watches- being so close to a place that stands outside of time with no effects on it- begin to warp.
Well, Last year I bought a watch that was DOA. I spent a bit of money on it, so I was peeved that it was, but I figured I’d just change the battery and it’d be OK. Well, I headed back to Toronto with it only to find out that you could not open the backing of the Watch- the watch was made to be a “one time use” only. 4 Different men had tried to open the backing to no avail, and deemed it a “scam”. I contacted the company responsible, and the fellow on the line just confirmed that you cannot change the battery as the watch doesn’t open. He promised to get in contact with me in January to replace it for me. He never did.
Now, I have a thing about throwing away watches. I just can’t. For some reason, I feel like it’s wrong to toss one out. Unless it’s been dead for over 8/10 years. Why? Probably because of that concept that it’s a symbolic representation of an artificial abstract concept that becomes too important to cast away. So I held onto my watch for the past few months, and only as I was packing things up, I decided that I had to do something with it. Get rid of it one way or another because I don’t’ want to lug unnecessary stuff back with me. The same went for my other 2 dead watches.
Well, I was on the phone yapping away with mom when I randomly decided to try opening the backing of the watch. I figured- even if I bust the watch, doesn’t matter- I just want the image on the face, and can replace the mechanism at a jewelry store. Well, I just barely wedged one of my carving knives into the back, and the thing- the thing that wouldn’t open for 4 full grown men who forcefully tried with all their might- popped open. And so, after purchasing batteries and all the parts- I now have 3 watches that work perfectly fine. All of which were so dead I would have to bury them twice.
Time out West works very differently . That is for sure.

It is now 4:19 am. I need to wake up and get me some boxes tomorrow- I should have been in bed 2-3 hours ago.
Yarg. XD

spirits, circle, watches, spiritualism

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