I hate packing

Apr 18, 2008 19:21

have I posted today how muhc I hate packing?
I guess I rectified that right now.

Overall, my anxieties of not being able to fit eveyrthing in one station wagon is quelled knowing that I can easily ask them to send 2 cabs together, or make more than one trip to the delivery station- and if worst comes to worst, ask a moving company to help me. While I'm not keen on the later possibilities- mainly becuase the finances of such would be MUCH higher- I am in high hopes and spirits. So it'll cost a bit more- I gots me money coming in that I didn't expect, and my tax return is suspected to be astronomical this year... so I'm glad. XD
That, and of course- as in our family tradition- we all help each other out- emotionally and financially. Not without said guilt later- that's all part of being Jewish after all- but it works for us. XD

Right now, mom's in Montreal visiting her sister for the Passover weekend. My sister is down in Seattle with a friend- so I have a lonely weekend ahead of me. It's good in a way becuase it lets me focus on packing and not distracting myself (as I am doing now with the pointless LJ post).

My landlord came down to show the room around. And alreayd he gave me back my Damage Deposit!!! I thought I would have to remind him, but I didn't have to! Since I am anally Clean Freako extraordinare, he was actually THANKING me for cleaning the basement all the time! XD
That, and he offered to help with delivering the boxes! So that means, I have a mini-van/SUV AND the station wagon. Dudes, I will have NO problems now!!!

And since it's a holiday occasion, and recent events were plenty and profound, stay tuned for a spiritual post about recent events in my life- including a visitation, and rejoicement from the other side/supernaturals!
I usually don't do these kinds of things, but was told that this story has to be retold. So stay tuned!
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