Jul 24, 2004 15:49
I am under the belief that if one person has a reaction to you it may be because this person is dumb, or nuts. BUT if many people have the same reaction then perhaps it is your falt and you need to fix something in yourself. So let me explain my situation and then we can talk about what I need to change.
So on with my rant about this being a weird month.
Yesterday (the 23nd of July, 2004) I received a phone call from a long lost friend/x-boyfriend.
Let me digress for a moment while I bring you up to speed with the history.
****Note, dates and lengths may be wrong my memory isn’t what’s it used to be****
About 3 or 4 years ago I had just gotten out of a CRAP ASS relationship (it ended with the guys WIFE calling me) I was distort, I was delicate, I was pissed off. Well as a rebound relationship I began to date this guy lets call him G-Dog. Well I dated G-Dog for 6 month when he out of no where he tells me “oh by the way, I’m married. My wife lives in Japan and she will be visiting soon” Do I need to say how pissed off I was. Not really pissed off just over the experience. So we brake up and stay friend for about 6 months or so. I start dating someone new and G-Dog keeps calling. “I want to hang out with you, I want to be your friend,” he would tell me. So finally he moved away. He went off to Reno where tried to find his fortune and fame, Hell he was just trying to get away from the crap he got himself into in San Diego.
So he moves away I get 3 or 4 phone calls (all in the middle of the night) and then I don’t hear from him for a year.
Just recently, especially after going threw boot camp, I’ve been thinking about him more. Wondering where he is and what he is doing. But had moved and I no longer had his phone number.
Lo and Behold July the 23rd, 2004 I get a phone call. “Hello Michelle this is. . . um. . . G-Dog” OH MY GOD!! I’m happy to hear from him, because this was a really good friend of mine at one point and I really cared for him. Hell we were clubbing buddies and loved going out. We talked for a long time and caught up from a year of not talking. He told me that he is now married (again, his Japanese wife and he divorced shortly after he confessed, I had nothing to do with that) And he has a new baby girl with another on the way. Well I was happy for him. I know that he will make a great dad. I know he is a great dad. I actually wish I could se him interact with his daughter, I can see him now. His every breath and thought must revolve around her. So we talk and talk and then we hang up. I expect to not hear from him for some time, but I thought to myself that I would have to call him the fallowing week so we don’t loose track again.
Well not an hour latter I get a call from him again. He tells me that he informed his wife about the conversation and that she may be calling me that same day. Just to talk and get to know the woman who is talking to her husband (I think that’s reasonable and didn’t have a problem with it). So latter on that day I get a phone call. “Hello, Michelle. This is Michelle, G-Dogs wife,” I say “Hi its nice to speak with you how are you?” She says “I’m good I was just wondering if you wanted to come over to Reno” I say “Um. . NO! Thank you but I cant right now” and she hangs up. Ok so here’s the thing I WAS BEING AS NICE AS I COULD BE. Talking with a smile and being polite to her DUMB question.
So then I get a phone call from him at 1 in the morning (I feel like kicking his ass because he used to do this crap to me all the time) So I wake up and take the call and GUESS what he says. Um I just called to tell you that I wont be able to talk to you any more. I almost lost my family today because I talked to you and I cant talk to you anymore.
What is a girl to do. Now this isn’t the first time that a guy friend of mine has had a girl friend who hates me. My old best friend (well call his Cain) Cain has a girl friend and because of her we no longer talk. My friend (well call him Axel) he has a girl friend who. . . hell that girl just doesn’t like anyone. So I don’t get it. Is it just me? What do I do?
I am nice to these people, I try not to threaten the relationship, and I make it clear to the guy that nothing will come of the encounters. So what is it that I do to make these woman not like me? I don’t get it.
That’s it. That’s the end of the story. I don’t understand it and writing it down has not made it any easier. Its just something that I will have to accept I guess. I need to stay away from guys who have girlfriend, because they will inevitably HATE ME.
Why me!