Dec 01, 2005 16:15
She's caring, loving, and a total sweetheart...a sister, a daughter.. a best friend...Nothing can change who she is.. for she will always be that person we know her to be... the best friend anyone can have.. and the hero she's always been in my life...I love you!
So this accident thing.. Yes.. Accident..LOOK IT UP!
ac·ci·dent ( P ) Pronunciation Key (ks-dnt, -dnt)
An unexpected and undesirable event, especially one resulting in damage or harm: car accidents on icy roads.
Yes... that's right.. read it.. UNEXPECTED! When someone has a green light, they go, when some one has a red light they stop (most the time). Sp obviously, she was going because the light was green? If some one decided to lets say "throw" themselves out into the middle of the street..then chances are high that they'll get hit and hurt and possibly die. I'm not saying this person decided to throw themselves out there.. God, totally no. What i'm saying is.. WHAT Were they thinking? You can't tell me they expected sara to stop or slow down for them? It's a green light? Why not wait until it's SAFE to go? That's what i wanna know? We can't really say what this person was thinking or expected.. but that leads me to another thing.. ASSUMPTIONS! She ASSUMED that sara would stop or slow down.. HER ASSUMPTION led to her death...which could've been avoided if they had waited... Don't dare accuse me of taking sides or of trying to balme some one... because i'm not.. i'm.. i guess you can say.. "examining" the situation.. We can't live life by saying. WHAT IF.. or IF ONLY.. cause that'll get us NO WHERE! SO face the facts..Ya.. this accident is tragic, i'm sorry this 81 year old Women( the paper said women)passed away, but i'm sure she lived 80 years filled with happiness and memories..meanwhile.. here our lovely 17 year old friend will live the rest of her life with this upon her.. However, i know sara, and i know she won't let this bring her down or be a burden on her for the rest of her life..And sara, if you read this.. i hope you don't.It wasn't your fault babe. You're strong, you deserve none of this.. but sure as hell don't forget about it.. let it ENHANCE your life.. and learn from it. This wasn't a mistake.. it was an accident that can be learned from. Not only for us pedestrians ( i don't drive but yes i ride a bike or walk) but for drivers as well. Be careful.. Expect the Unexpected. Maybe you won't expect a ton of bulls and elephants to charge in front of you..but surely expect some one or something to run out when you least think they will.
It could've been worse.. sara could've kept on going and left the poor women least.. she made an ATTEMPT to brake and stop... To bad it's like RAINING and the roads are wet and SLIPPERY...
As i read another article about another death some where. . one of the victims family members seemed to have said..
"This whole thing is all God's work."
Ya know what, i have reason to believe that thats the same thing that's happened here. Something must've triggered the ladies mind to go right ahead and walk out onto the street while sara's light was green. It could've been a sign of God saying, your turn to come join me, and no you can't "HAUNT" this girl for hitting you with her car..But anyways.. i'll continue. .. Something always triggers us to do things we can least imagine ourselves doing. I never imagine myself in the party scenario yet i did it when i was in 7th/8th/9th and part of 10th grade...(luckily sara pulled me out of it and set me straight).. I think back and i'm like.. what the hell was i thinking? But i look at it now.. and i'm like.. that did me some good.. I was pulled out of that junk that made me miserable... and its made me a stronger person...its toughened me up. This will definetely help sara learn something.. learn something about herself she never even knew about herself. God is up there watching after her every step of the way.. and that's why maybe her car didn't slide or keep sliding and slammed her into.. i dont know..another car and kill her.. i dont know.. anythings' possible.. just like this ACCIDENT was obviously Possible.. If you ask me i'd call it a work of God, even though many of you would call it a freak accident or as you all who are mindless and heartless and cold hearted and un-informed might call it.. Wreckless Driving.
If sara is the "wreckless driver" you all say she is.. then why is this her first accident? Should't there be a line of people out there whom she's hit or something? If she's so wreckless, how'd she get her liscense? If she's so wreckless, why does she still have it...? Just things to think about.. And i know you're ignorance is still telling you, who cares.. fact and truth is she killed some one.. then so be it.. Sara didn't kill anyone.. Thats Murder... an accident.. the ACCIDENT killed this woman.
So when ya'll get your heads out of your butts.. have sympathy.. i'm sure sara has had much of it for the family of the so called "victim" which by the way let me clarify the meaning of victim
vic·tim ( P ) Pronunciation Key (vktm)
A person who suffers injury, loss, or death as a result of a voluntary undertaking: You are a victim of your own scheming.
You see that.. "You are a victim of your own scheming.. just as easily are a victim of your own ACTIONS"
Let that be heard..
And you know.. if you don't like what i'm saying.. i'm sorry.. just expressing my freedom of speech just as you were by making those rude comments to sara..
God bless us all as he knows we will all will fail one another..