jen rizzo, let's chat.

Sep 27, 2007 22:02

hey, this post is all about grey's. if you don't like it, sorry.

but i'll cut it so you don't defriend me.

first of all, shit i hated:
- the deer suddenly POPPING UP !!
- the woman somehow giving birth with NO PRETENSE whatsoever and the baby being TOTALLY A-OK
- dr torres. she is just so.. bleh.
- obvious burke lookalike in trauma that yang had as a patient
- meredith and shepard's breakup conversation - SO HORRIBLE

worst (in an inevitable way)/things that made me tear up:
- cristina, all episode. it was like i COULDN'T LOOK AT HER without wanting to cry.
- the very end when she is looking at that dude with his family.

other stuff:
- dr bailey rules.
- i am kind of disinterested in the george/izzie story, but god i wish george would just leave dr torres already because if she gets pregnant before that happens it is going to fuck shit up
- i still hate meredith, because she blew off her half sister (who isn't to blame for her situation or meredith's) to go fuck shepard in the on call room. so lame.
- karev looks horrible with facial hair
- mcsteamy whateverhisnameis was actually pretty funny when talking about coming back to seattle for shepard
- loved that woman with the missing arm, and yes once again hate meredith for talking about being in a relationship with someone and hating yourself but then GOING RIGHT BACK TO FUCKTOWN WITH SHEPARD. UGH, DIE.
- i am still pissed isaiah washington isn't on the show anymore.

television, grey's anatomy

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