Dec 04, 2005 00:54
is it pompous for me to predict events, moments, delays in time that inevitably come true. how did i know there were going to be three sets of eyes staring at the screen? i can just almost see the faces they are all making now...her with her manly features, strong brow bone, deep set eyes, still a childlike mistique. utter confusion. someone just crinkled thier forhead and uttered "fuck that" got up, walked out to the fire escape and is not rapidly firing back insults of a lose cause at me. three stories up. size tens with chipped black polish dangling dangerously over the edge of a not too safe building. our names etched into the window sill. and then the serious stare of an even greater waste. eyes caked with day old, week old make up. glue, black lashes, uneven. boney hands holding hollow wine glasses. one of a pair, its mate since gone.
and im tucked away in a house with too many rooms eating foods from too far countries while you are all crammed into a one room walkup in the center of hollywoods grime. sirens and screaming will be muffled by your weak attempts to make me out to be the bad guys. if victim is what you play best, then please, be my guest. i am only glad that i will no longer be dragged down by the likes of you. glad that your hypocricy will no longer cloud my better judgement.
they were hollow confused laughs.