Title: Thinking of You
Genre: fluff
Fandom: Hannah Montana
Pairing: Ashley Dewitt/Lilly Truscott, Miley Stewart/Lily Truscott (implied)
ULength: 346 words
Disclaimer: All characters created by Michael Poryes, Richard Correll and Barry O'Brien and owned by Disney
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3820040/1/Thinking_of_YouSummary: [Ashley x Lilly, fluff, girl crush] Ashley muses on the friendship between Miley and Lilly. Set during Episode #9.
semi-related plugs:
sentai_ai /
kissearly Ashley Dewitt felt her cheeks burn red with the shame of it all. She detested camping; all that pointless fresh air and insect infested greenery. There was no reason, to her mind at least, why someone couldn't just build some civilisation over it all and it was a near miracle that no one had done so before.
But then nobody could as sharp as her, she smiled, over-brimming with sudden contentment, not even Amber...except maybe London Tipton.
The smile died.
London Tipton was smart and an heiress. The space left in the wake of her smile was quickly filled by a scowl.
London Tipton was also conspicuous by her absence and by the fact that Ashley had never so much as met the acclaimed daughter of Wilfred Tipton. She had, however, met both Lilly Truscott and Miley Stewart.
Ashley turned over in her silk sleeping bag and glowered at Lilly's back, intently staring at the other girl as she slept and noting the less-than-perfect pyjamas and long hair that split out over the bag.
She hated them both...hated them because their friendship, their closeness was exactly the kind of thing she had never experienced with another person. The idea of trying to associate such feelings with Amber arose and she quickly dismissed it, her lips curling with distaste.
It was absurd. There was no depth to her 'friendship' with Amber, just moments in which they both reassured each other of how popular they both were.
Without pause to think, she slipped her arms out from under her silk sheets and experimentally wrapped them about Lilly, gently pulling the girl, sleeping bag and all, closer to her.
Lilly murmured but did not wake.
Ever so slowly, Ashley lowered her head and placed it against the other girl's back.
This was it, she thought, this was what it was truly like to have a friend, to have someone you could fall in love with.
As she drifted into the embrace of sleep, the tears that gathered behind her closed lids spilt softly onto the back of Lilly's pyjamas.