Jun 27, 2003 22:38
Today at the grociery store, I saw something that made me laugh.
Where the fruits and vegetables reside there is an sprinkler which goes off every now and then. When it starts, a robot voice sings "I'm Singing In The Rain".
There was a woman on her cell phone picking through some carrots. She was round and fat with enlarged facial features and a strange villain from outer space voice.
Well, the sprinkling occured, the robot voice sang, and she was horrified. She immediately shouted "fuck!"( except it sounded like she said furkah. new lingo for outer space villains i presume). And then the best part, SHE PUNCHED THE CARROTS. It was amazing.
I remember thinking "isn't that typical, for humans to lash out at what's closest to them, even though what they are mad at isn't receiving the anger at all". But, also, maybe she thought the carrots were trying to attack her. If so, I hope she has recovered successfully.
Ok. That's enough stories for now.