Jun 27, 2003 22:11
I like to think I'm a fairly relaxed person who doesn't let things get to me for more than a few minutes. But, if there's one thing that makes me swell with hate, it's people who take forever on their turn in scrabble.
As we know getting online to play scrabble with random folks, is to take a big risk. You never know who you are going to get. Unfortunately, in most cases I seem to end up with biggest lame-brains of the universe. Any amount of time over a minute to a minute and half is too much time for your turn. 10-15 seconds being perfect, if not less.
Literati has an option for timed games, but I say down with that mess. Literati is a jerk. Ugly board, random selection of tiles. Awful. I refuse to play this rip off of scrabble, unless it's with someone I love and care for. Because, when you love someone, you make exceptions.
Anyway, I am beside myself with anger right now. I'm sure it's silly to get so mad. I don't care. I want to hunt down the person I just played scrabble with and hope I find puppies so I can kill them one by one, with passion, in front of this asshole.
In other news. I went to Wisconsin last weekend. Lonely farms, diseased dogs, and and an overactive imagination proved to be a very interesting time for me. Sometime in July I will be returning to a particular farm of some relatives. My stay will last 2 weeks, and I will learn what it's like to be a farm girl. My great uncle says "don't worry about clothes, we have plenty of overalls".
I've never wanted to learn how to milk a cow, but there are so many ways to get killed on a farm. I'm hoping to return home at least 2 limbs less. I don't really know why I am excited for this experience. Maybe because it's something new and that makes it exciting. Or maybe it's the overwhelming lonliness and sadness I feel when I am in the country. It makes me explore places of my brain I always try shut away. I can't get over the shortness of life, and the death. I am still looking for a loophole to make every aspect in life acceptable. Is that silly? No.
Who knows a good joke? Tell me.