Weekly Activities May 30th through June 4th

May 30, 2006 22:54

Weekly Activities for the week of April 17th through April 23rd.

+ Shopping


001: We are virtual shopping here. You will find stuff by using online stores.
002: You only have $100 dollars. Do NOT go over that.
003: Copy and paste the pictures of the things you are getting and then host them in photobucket, so you can post for everyone to see.
004: You need to keep a running tally of everything, and then at the end total it all up.
005: You have to follow the theme for that week.
006: You need the whole outfit, plus accessories!
007: Please tell us where you got each thing to, in case other’s want to know!
008: Please put this behind an lj-cut!
009: Have fun with this!

8th Week’s theme:

A normal day in your life

+ Scavenger Hunt


001: Find as many of these items as you can!
002: You must find them in real life, and take pictures of them!
003: Please put this behind an lj-cut when you post it!
004: Please crop your pictures, so they aren’t huge, and so they don’t take forever to load.
005: Have fun with this, and be creative!

8th Weeks Items:

stuffed animal
your favorite book
hair things
finger nail clippers
Kitchen dishes
flip flops
A picture
A phone


+ Random Photoshoot


001: You take 10 pictures of yourself, dressed up, dolled up, looking hott, and then post them, and tell us about them!
002: Please crop your pictures, so they aren’t huge!
003: Put them behind an lj-cut!
004: Have fun with this! Be creative!


+ Guessing game


001: Post 5-10 quotes or lyrics from a song or movie.
002: Members, will then post a comment, trying to guess what movie or song they are from, and who said them or sang it.
003: Have fun, and get creative with this!


+ Graphic contest


001: You have to have made this graphic! Do NOT steal! If you are caught stealing, you will be banned!
002: Do not Steal anyones graphic that is posted up!
003: It can be any kind of graphic. Banner, Blend, Icon, Animation, Blinky, anything!
004: We will vote on them all at the end of the week!
005: All entries will be screened, so no one can see them til voting time!
006: Post your entires as a comment in the graphic’s contest post made by the mod!
007: Follow all the rules, and follow the theme for that week!
008: Have fun with this and get creative!

8th weeks theme


+ Poetry Contest


001: You have to write this. It has to be your own orginal.
002: Any kind of poem you want.
003: It has to follow our weekly theme, which can be found in our user info page.
004: Post this as a comment for that week's Mod post for the poetry entry contest. All comments will be screened, until the voting time at the end of the week.
005: We will vote at the end of the week for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners, at the end of the week.
006: Have fun and be creative!

8th weeks theme


+ Decorating Challenge


001: You will be decorating a certain room in a house.
002: You will need to get all the furnature, decorations, a paint color or colors, and anything else for this room, on the budget that is set for that room.
003: Copy and save all the pictures of the things you are putting in your room, or copy the links if you can't save the pictures. Then host them in photobucket, so you can post them for everyone to see.
004: Keep a running tally on everything you've "spent", so you can total it up in the end.
005: Since you can't really find a price for paint online, we'll just say $20 bucks for that.
006: List the price of each item, and then total them up. Also list where you got each item, so other's can see, in case they are interested.
007: Have fun, be creative, and be thrifty!

8th week's room

Teenage girls room

Total money allowed to be spent: $2,500 dollars

+ Photo contest


001: You will take a picture of whatever the "theme" is for that week.
002: This is a contest for the BEST photo of the week.
003: You will post your photo as a comment, to the mod's post for the photo contest, that week.
004: We will vote at the end of the week, for the best photo. There will be a 1st place, 2nd, and a 3rd.
005: Have fun, and be creative!

8th week's theme

"Outsude your house" This can be anything in your yard, the sky, the front of your house tc.

+ Top Model


001: If you've ever seen the show, that is about the same thing as we are going to do here!
002: You will take 3-10 shots of yourself, going with the theme of that week, and then post them as a comment to the mod's post for Top model entries.
003: The mod's will then go through and pick out your best shot, and then the community will put all the "best shots" together and pick a winner!
004: Be creative, but follow the theme for that week! Have fun with this!

8th week's theme


+ Trip challenge


001: You are going to plan a trip for you and your S.O, or if you are single, you can take a friend or family member. You can go anywhere you want, and as long as you want to, as long as you can afford it.
002: You will find actual plane tickets and hotel/lodging information (you dont have to stay in a hotel but you have to have some place to stay.)
003: You will also be picking out activities for you to do, while you are down there. And if any of these cost money, don't forget to add them in! (Basically like an itenarary)
004: You will pick out one outfit for each of you, for a night out on the town.(you can provide links to the clothes or save the pics and post them here.) Don't forget all the accessories too!
005: Share all the information with us that you found and let us know why you picked what you did. Make sure you get really detailed with this!
006: You can spend $4,000.
007: Have fun, enjoy this, and be creative!!

+ Moving In


001: You are going to search online for blueprints or floorplans for a new house to "build".
002: You have to make sure that this house, fits and is designed specifically for the family of the week.
003: You also will be picking a city/location for this new family to build their house and then live.
004: You have no budget, just have to make sure that this house fits the family to a "T".
005: You will also be adopting an animal from an adoption agengy. (http://www.petfinder.com/)
006: Make sure this pet, fits their needs though. If they have small kids, don't get a HUGE dog. Or if one of the kids is allergic to cats, don't get a cat.
007: Also, if you want to go more out, you can label the rooms.
008: And, you can pick out 2 vehicles, and "purchase" them for this new family, and then post them for us to see.
009: Finally, describe to us why you picked that house, that pet, and those cars. Then tell us about your family and thier names!
010: Have fun with this, and get super creative!

8th Week's Family:

Mom-26, Dad-27, Daughter-3, Son-1


+ dream wardrobe


001: This is a take off, of What Not To Wear, so if you've seen the show, that's basically what we are doing here!
002: In this activity you are pretending that all your old clothing is gone, and now you have to get all new stuff.
003: You only have a certain amount of dollars to do this with.
004: You can shop anywhere you want, and get as much as you want.
005: Please post the pictures, and a list of items and the amount, with a total at the end!
006: Have fun with this and be creative!!

8th week's Amount:



+ Perfect Date


001: Post images of your DREAM guy. It can be your spouse/boyfriend/friend/a celebrity...whatever. Just someone that you consider your dream guy.
002: Explain why you picked that person, and why they are you dream guy.
003: Then decide your dream date. Tell all the details. What he brings when he picks you up... where you two go, and what you do. All right down to when he drops you off and how things go along the way!
004: Also you will be picking out outfits for both you and your date to wear.
005: Post pictures, the cost, and where you got things from, like we do in the outfit challenge.


+ Fact or Fiction


Have you ever wondered if by chance someone was bullshitting you or not? Have you called them out on it? lol. Think about it. I am sure we all have heard some people tell whoppers of stories and some of us are actually gullable to believe them.

I had to do this in my Psyche class in College and it was a BLAST! Each of us had to get up in front of the class (trying not to laugh mind ya) and tell a story. Now, it was either fact or fiction. Only that person knew and the others had to guess. It was funny to see some reactions and hear peoples opinions on it. (Quoted from x_gemini_brat_x)

001: Post a story, whether that be a fact or a fiction.
002: Don't tell whether it's true or not, until other's have guessed.
003: Then you can finally tell, the truth!
004: Have fun with this and get creative!!


+ Scrapbook Page Contest


001: You will be making a scrapbook page, either digital or in real life!
002: Then you will scan it into your computer, if it's not digital, and then submit that photo of it, in our competion.
003: Submit it in the post that the mod has posted for that week!
004: Have fun with this, and be creative!

8th weeks Theme:

"Scrappers Choice" This can be anything you want


If you have any suggestions on any new, fun activities, please let me know!
Questions? Post a comment HERE with them!
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