Jan 30, 2009 19:43

so guess what-- i wrote three paragraphs of last lullaby today! wow, i'm so prolific (...NOT!). i also stared at one page of my untitled original for hours without writing anything. yet my head feels so heavy, and the week wasn't even busy-- i'm basically dead tired from doing nothing.

i wanted to write, and i knew where i wanted to take my writing, be it fics, originals, i had so many clear ideas for so many things this week... but i just couldn't muster up the will to write. god, just to think that there's a new episode of heroes coming up and that i have to at least try to understand what the heck is happening in it makes me want to just... melt into the bedspread. i think as soon as heroes is over i'm gonna go sleep, and not wake up until tomorrow at like four in the afternoon.

perhaps it's the stress from the trip to venezuela still catching up to me.

anyway, when i'm at work and have nothing better to do, i spend my time reading things. lately i've been reading a lot of avatar fic (actually, i added a whole new page to lovelies for zuko/katara recommendations, so be sure to check that out if you like that ship, and feel free to point me to any other fics you think i ought to add to the list). i also spend my work hours reading news articles and the like. yahoo! news is practically my new home on the web. and these past few days, i found some nice ones that i'd like to highlight, just in case you're also into that stuff:

leaving home: the legacy of apollo 8: even if you're not as absolutely obsessed with mars and space in general as i am, this is a nice article just by the style it's written in. it's very hopeful and heartfelt. and i love that last line ♥

stolen madoff statue returned with note attached: i have no idea who bernard madoff is or why everybody suddenly hates him so much that he deserves getting his statues messed with, but whoever the perpetrators were, they could stand to be more original. after all, violating copyright is also penalized by the law. xDDDDD

top 10 conspiracy theories: i don't even think the list is all that good, but i'd like to point the article out just for the comments it's gotten. go take a look, if you look through the tons of comments that talk about how the world trade center towers were actually taken down by the government because they were filled with asbestos, you'll see your fellow websurfers bringing up other, uh, interesting topics such as how the illuminati are trying to take over the world and how hurricane katrina was a man-made enterprise designed to get black people out of louisiana. and let's not forget the hadron collider! i'm serious, go take a look at those comments, they're very... enlightening. *snorts* *shakes head*

speaking of interesting things, that movie meme i did a few entries back left me wondering, so i decided to scour imdb.com to satisfy my curiosity. turns out i have watched 16% of their top 250 movies by rating (if you'd like to see which movies i've seen that represent that 16%, my list is here). and then, just to compare, i also checked out how many movies i've seen out of their list of the worldwide 250 top grossing movies. turns out, i've seen 48% of that list (again, if you're curious what that 48% represents, my list is here). interesting, don't you think? i guess that would make me 4 times more about the hype than the quality... *shrugs*

and then here are the above-mentioned three paragraphs of last lullaby, just to pretend that i'm not being completely useless:


Days passed with their usual drab routine, and she heard not a single word from him. Not one letter, not one sentence, not one sound. She was deathly afraid he'd been sent to Japan, and that's where her mind flew whenever she found herself thinking about him: to Japan, and to her fear. She kept up her day to day logistics as efficiently as she could, but she was infinitely distracted and everybody could see that. Her employers' favorite pasttime was asking her if she was alright. Her socialite acquaintances began fading to the background-- she didn't have the strength nor the will to attend any more of their frivolous parties, and they didn't take kindly to her ignoring them, choosing to shun her in retaliation. And that was completely okay with her, for she preferred to spend every available second locked in her room, reading his few letters again and again, the light from her window dimming more and more as the seasons changed.

Her mother started to genuinely get worried. She would come and spend the evenings with her in her room, bringing in her favorite books and reading them out loud to her, because she wasn't reading anymore and it was strange, she said, the world was strange if it was a world where Susan didn't read. And she would reassure her mother that she was fine, just a little tired; and she would think of Japan as she was treated to all sorts of literature, from Russian classics to recited definitions off Oxford's dictionary. Towards the end she would sit there on her bed and try to chuckle at her mother's comments about Lucy, Peter and Edmund, for she insisted they were acting oddly and were up to something. She said she would let her know what that something was once she caught them red-handed; but she never even had the opportunity to notice this so-called strange behavior, and she never got around to asking. Her siblings weren't around her much those days.

The older woman seemed to have run out of encouraging words to say. After a while, all her comforting attempts boiled down to the idea that maybe after so many obstacles, one had to conclude that it was just not meant to happen. Great love, even an interrupted one, was always a blessing: better to have loved and lost, and all that. She'd even gotten her father to try his hand at it, and he would hold her tight, murmuring against her hair how things would be better now, how everything would go back to the way it was before the war. Sad comfort. She didn't have the heart to tell them she didn't want to hear these things, for she was afraid she was starting to believe them.


i got promoted at work-- i'll be starting in a new position on monday. wish me luck!

fic: last lullaby, wtf, rl, mustwritedammit!, movies

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