Oct 04, 2007 01:04

so, the way my brother and i bond is that we usually watch anime/mythbusters/other such thing together, or sometimes i sit and watch while he plays videogames i like but couldn't ever play. so this saturday we were doing just that-- we watched naruto all afternoon (i'm up to shippuuden ep 7 now!) and that night i was in his room, watching while he played zelda: twilight princess on his wii. i had my computer with me, because i was sorting my fanart folders at the same time. i also had my ipod with me out of sheer inertia; i wasn't really using it, but i always have it with me.

thing is, while he was in the less stressful parts of the game, like using link to, i don't know, rein sheep into a corral or something, he would take my ipod and shift through it. bad move-- i don't like people going through my things, and that includes my videos. honestly, he's just like my little cousin; so nosy, the pair of them >.<

but i digress. so in my ipod i have a bunch of fanvideos from my favorite fandoms, including some of my favorite couples, all downloaded from youtube and such. so my brother decides he'll watch those he knows-- and zooms in on my bleach videos, all two of them ishihime. he watches them, puts the ipod down and laughs: "you think orihime should be with ishida? i kinda want orihime and ichigo to get together."

inner-cali: WTF?! O_o

not that i have anything against ichihime or anything, but the question was just really sudden. especially coming from my brother who usually doesn't give a shit about shipping (or anything else, really) and is pretty much as romantic as my left big toe. i don't like it when people spring this kinda stuff on me, it takes me off guard! i tried to give him some reasons why i like ishihime (all completely lame) and in the end it came to me thinking orihime is terribly sucky in this arc and him thinking she had no choice. or, well, that's how the conversation ended anyway, as then something big happened in the game so we started paying attention, and afterwards i just fell asleep. i trust he's back to his usual whatever-i-don't-care self, because i'm no good at ship debates and i don't fancy my little brother coming out on top, thankyouverymuch.

uh, speaking of bleach and ishihime... i was checking my stats at ff.net a couple days ago, and i noticed that my bleach story owarinai, is in the favorites list of 20 people. 20! that would make it my third most popular story, favorites-wise, after orbe and somnium, which i didn't think was possible since those two have so many more chapters, so many more reviews, they've been around for longer and in general they just have so much more fandom following than any of my other stories. to be honest, gindokei really is one of my favorite stories, out of all that i've written. i really think it's one of my best pieces of writing-- save perhaps for the last scene-- i just didn't think other people saw it that way O_o to make things even better, owarinai is also in 5 C2 archives, more than ANY OTHER STORY OF MINE, and it's not only bleach or ishihime archives, no, it's also miscellaneous archives where people add their favorite stories of any fandom. jesus christ, you have no idea of how amazing i felt, and still feel, when i think about all of this. my readers are awesome. i love y'all, guys! ^_______^

also, this guy (girl? i have no idea, really) called fledge has left me some awesome reviews lately. he (she?) first read ARIP when i posted chapter two, and has since then read all my fics on portkey! and reviewed accordingly! isn't that the nicest thing ever? thank you, fledge, if you're reading this! your reviews are really good, just what an author needs.

i saw CSIM episode 6.02: cyber-lebrity today. a friend of mine gave me the file so i didn't have to struggle with innertube this time 'round. oh joy! ^^ and what did i think of the episode? well, *squeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!* just LOOK:

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heh, our bubbles are back in action. and there's even a little, uh... skin-to-glove contact. now isn't that nice? i'm a bit miffed that we may not have our "driven" scene after all, that TPTB chose to just have ryan jump back into the fold without him and calleigh solving their argument... though being positive, they can still have that conversation. it could be that calleigh just didn't feel like being argumentative because eric was there for the most part (not to mention she was working) and maybe they'll still have a talk later... hmmm...

to be honest, i hated the episode. i know, theoretically, that these things do happen, but the plot felt a little out there to me. for one, i don't care about cyber-lebrities in real life, much less on TV. it wasn't even like she was naked in the stupid picture. ryan sees they've been found by that stalker website and half a second later there are 300 paparazzis in the place? not to mention the fact that the writers seemed to go out of their way to point us to false leads. the plot was not linear or progressive, they just kept going one step forward and then two steps back, then turning in another direction. at times it felt like they gave no reason as to why they were going to follow a certain lead (calleigh was talking about gun-like striations in the arrows but she sent the bow to DNA-- i had to go back when that happened, felt like i missed something). there was no emotional connection to the victims: the guy was a jerk, the girl loved the spotlight even if she said she didn't, the father was a psycho and the mom was completely crazy. that guy played by justin baldoni was too much like clavo cruz for my taste. stetler had the ugliest shirt imaginable. natalia was, once again, reduced to a DNA analyst (did valera take a vacation or something?). and of course, horatio HAD to be involved somehow; the world revolves around him, as you know. of COURSE he was going to end up being targeted, even if the case had nothing to do with him in the beginning.

good things about it? ryan was looking yummy. i caught some chest in a few shots-- can we get him shirtless now, pretty please? *begs TPTB* calleigh was looking gorgeous, and her make-up was good; it's always good when she's dressed in black. she should stick to black. i liked the new A/V girl, sam barrish-- she seems cool. whatever happened to cooper and jensen, though? it was great to see some familiar faces, too: leo, from charmed (brian krause, although he had a hideous haircut) and reid, from everwood (the aforementioned justin baldoni). but other than that, uh... the special effects were nice? *shrugs* as these reasons are nothing but superficial, they do nothing to appease my disappointment.

honestly, the only thing that saves the episode for me is that ryan/calleigh scene. made my day, even my week. but if it hadn't been there, i would have given this episode up as dismal. and of course, it was written by corey evett & matt partney... how could i have expected something else from them? >.<

new ryan/calleigh scenes in CSIM, plus yankees in the post-season can only be good for my writing, though. maybe we can expect a surprise upload sometime soon? i can't confirm nor deny.

oh, and i think i went through a near-death experience today. in the afternoon my fan had started making weird sounds so i kept it off the whole day. now, panama is an extremely hot country-- i can usually only take the heat because i'm just too stubborn for my own good. well, my brother came in (we were watching mythbusters) and he just can't take so much heat; he asked me to turn on the fan. i told him that i wasn't sure, because it was making weird noises, but that he should turn it on for a bit to see if it was still doing it. so he turns it on, goes back to the bed, and half a second later the fan goes BOOM! it literally blew up, the cage ended up in two pieces, the reels broke in little pieces, and it was a miracle my brother didn't get hit by something.

so now my mom dug up one of our old fans-- which wasn't in very good condition, really, that's why we stopped using them-- because she says she doesn't want me to melt, even though i insist i'm fine, i don't care about the heat. now it's started making noise too, and i can't complain to anyone because it's 2 am, so i just shut it down. i'm not risking that happening twice in less than six hours. nu-uh.

woe is me, fic: owarinai, tv: csi miami, animanga: bleach, rl, omfg, guh!, shipping, life sucks, ship: ishihime, wtf, ouch, yay!, reviews, squeeing, ship: ryan/calleigh

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