noldo_icons the world cup has taken over my life. haha. GO FRANCE!!! *does 'worldcupYAY!' dance* if i were you guys, i wouldn't expect to see many posts here until it's over xD
i recently got back into x-men: evolution (it was the third x-men movie that did the trick, i'm sure) and i decided to work on my evo fic, black plague. along the way i started noticing loopholes in the plot and so i started doing research again, refreshing my canon-- since, when i first wrote it, i hadn't seen the whole series-- and my knowledge from the comics, and i decided to take it in a slightly different direction. so i decided to rewrite it, and gave it a new title and all-- i just posted it in but first, i tried to figure out the evo timeline and the ages of the characters, so you probably need to go over my conclusions before starting to read ^^;;; because BOY is this series' timeline messed up! so here goes my valiant try into figuring it out:
timeline for x-men: evo & age list for the fic comments for this are welcomed. i probably messed up somewhere along the way ^^;;;
and after you've read all of that, you can proceed onto the prologue:
plague of the black womb: prologue as it's just a prologue, you probably won't understand much at the moment, though fans of the original x-men comics can probably gather some clues from the title. regarding how it'll move, well, the evo characters will definitely appear next chapter. there won't be much of a main character, more like everybody will have important parts. as for romance, i'm going mostly canon (X-MEN COMIC canon) with only a couple non-canon romances, most of them i've loved since the comics, as well. the plot will be a little complicated, so i hope to have enough for a good twenty chapter at the very least. or probably more. i just hope it doesn't turn out to be, like, 50 chapters or something O_o