Aug 02, 2007 12:55
Summer is about to wrap up in the next couple of weeks and I've been so buys, I haven't had a chance to write about it. I'll go backwards and catch what I can remember.
Yesterday was A's first birthday! It's hard to believe I have a one year old. I took the day off - I never work on my kid's birthdays. I was hoping with a day at home, A would handle the evening party better. We started the day out with giving him his present from daddy, a dino ball slide that we had set up the night before (he crawled all over it all day). Then gave him the presents from his big sis and me (bath toys). I was hoping spacing out the gifts through the day would make the party easier. I got him a cute Noah's Ark birthday cake, the top of the cake was actually a toy with little animals that he could play with, he saw it put together this morning and loved it. The party stared late (7:30), I figured it would since it was my family, so we only had about an hour of usable time with him. We ate pizza, opened presents, let him play a bit and then gave him his cake. He was happy to hear people sing to him, it was the third time that day (grandma and grandpa had each called earlier). When we gave him the cake, he wasn't quite sure what to do with it. He thought it felt good, but didn't realize it was edible until I shove a finger full of frosting into his mouth. Then he leaned down and took a bite out of the frosting. Next came the realization that there was more to the cake than just frosting - and it was squishy! A couple of claw throughs, clapping and hitting, face covering handfuls and he was done for the night. we cleaned him up and put the tired boy to bed. All in all, I think it was a fairly successful first birthday party. This morning I traded his baby car seat out for a toddler seat, he's teething again and I'm expecting him to start walking any day now.
Last week we went out to visit bp's parents in Washington D.C. It's the first time I had been there and I really liked the city. We saw pretty much everything and bp has tons of pictures. The only one who didn't have a good time was A, he hated being confined in a stroller all week and was horrible on all 4 planes, otherwise he had fun with grandpa, loved the pool and chasing grandma and grandpa's cat. K went out with her grandma a couple of days before us and got to see the zoo and natural history museum. At the zoo K's grandma go a call that her mom had broken her hip, so she had to fly out and the week was just with grandpa, but it was great anyway.
This summer K has been taking English riding lessons, a birthday gift from her grand parents. Unfortunately she's starting to get pretty good at it, so this might end up being a long term money commitment. I told her she'll have to stop lessons when ballet and soccer start back up, but there has already been some talk of her taking lessons in the winter between soccer seasons.
In June, K had her ballet performance. It was Swan Lake and she was lovely. She did as good of a job as a 6 year old can. The next day the family went for hair cuts. K donated 12 in. of her waist length blond hair to Locks of Love and is now sporting a cute chin length bob. I told her I'd donate my hair too if I could, I was just shy of 10 in. but they took it anyway, I now have a chin length layered A line, I'm still trying to decide if I should have gone shorter with a pixie cut.
At the beginning of June, K graduated from Kindergarten at LCA. They had a cute play (she was a beaver) and then wore caps and gowns for graduation. She starts first grade at our local elementary in the Spanish immersion program at the end of this month.
As for me, things may be changing at work soon. More on that later.