My beautiful ginger boy

Sep 11, 2011 17:17

Oliver passed away Friday morning.

I am so heartbroken. I didn't get my good-bye. He was suddenly just... gone. I haven't suffered grief like this since my grandfather passed. It's horrible. I know it was his time. I know he was sick, and that now he is well and his pain is gone. I know all these things, but I'm not yet to the point where I can find comfort in them. There really isn't any comfort for me. There is such a big whole in my heart, that it will take much time to heal and comfort.

For 14 years of my life I was lucky enough to have the friendship and companionship of one hell of a cat. He was amazing and I will miss him until my last day on Earth.

My dynamic duo are gone. I'm so lost and sad without them.

oliver, felines, lilo

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