I have been working hard today, fixing my omgclusterfuck jewelry mess. I have been enjoying taking breaks, however, (it is my technical "day off"), and futzing with Livejournal and pictures during these breaks.
I decided it was time for a couple of new icons. And then I decided to replace all of my icons. This year has been hellish. Lately, I have been embracing chances to "start fresh". I am leaving past things behind - be it physically or emotionally - and caring little about them. Unless something, someone or somewhatsit is beneficial to me, productive, kind or whatever; it can go fuck itself.
My old cake making icon was from Safeway. Safeway.
With the exception of a small handful (mostly non-personal stuff like Star Trek icons), I have all new icons. And because I want to drag my break out a little longer before I send a difficult and emotional mass e-mail and spend 4pm - 12am working, I am going to post them here for you to see. :)
It felt good to freshen them up.
That very last one was made simply so my rows on this entry would be even quantities.
I are teh crazy.
10 minutes of break left. I am going to cram some powdered donuts in my maw.