Master Cleanse

Oct 09, 2009 20:59

I am embarking upon the master cleanse during this Fall Break. It is essentially a Juice Fast/colon Cleanse. I did it once before and it was crazy hard, you are supposed to do it like 10days which is not an option when I am going into techs in the next week so I am pursuing a 2-3 day plan. I feel relly very full not hungry and pretty energized but I am bored. A little fidly I organize my day by meals so it is hard this first day. While putzing around on the interweb and stumbled upon (by which I mean I deliberately Googled) some thinspiration web-sites. What a mind trip. I found myself wildly vascillating between being turned off by the whole thing and concerned for these girls and women in general and plotting how I too might get model thin. A little mind trippy that I am A) pretty gosh darn overwieght; more severly than I thought I was B) would have to loose 50lbs to be as thin as the average actress in CA. Now I would settle for a 25lb wieght loss and the ability to rock the dancing Warrior my prof likes to toss at us. However it was very di-heartening to have such a huge goal of 25 lbs and still know in my heart that is only a half way measure if I were to really be as thin as I now feel like I NEED to be. Of course all this could be a Detox sympton so I'll check in with myself in the morning. Just sharing with the ether I guess

Edited to add: Am hungry and miserable may be quitting tomorrow.
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