Aug 09, 2007 18:43
Ah, today was a balmy 90 million and a half degrees in the lovely D.C. Metro area. And what a fabulous day it has been so far. First, I woke up at 9:30. Such a fantastic hour to be torn brutally from the comforts and safety of my bed. Then, I attempted to drink the leftover coffee, only to find the consistency more equivalent to that of a smoothie or rather a tall glass of extra-pulp orange juice. yum, nothing like a refreshing cup of coffee granules to start your day off right. Then I watched part of the Top Chef marathon. The hour and a half that I devoted to watching Top Chef was probs the highlight of my day. After that, I actually left my house. This was definitely a big step for me considering the fact that I spent the entirety of yesterday in my bed. I don't even think I got out of my pajamas. Right, so I left my house, and I went to my mom's office. AKA the Jewish Federation of Greater Washington. Where basically I did 'Data Entry' for the next 3 hours. Now, you're probably thinking to yourself, "What??? Data Entry??? AWESOME. I wish I could do Data Entry everyday without getting paid." But that's a common misconception. See what I did was even better than data entry. Basically what I got to do was go through a stack of mailings that had been returned because the address was invalid. But the real kicker was the process of going through the stack of letters. First, I had to look them up in the Federation system, but after that I pretty much had to search through the entire internet from the yellow pages to tax records to the obituaries to see if the person either a) had moved b) had the wrong address or c) died. Let's just say that 99% of the people were unable locate, which made the 10 minutes of searching per name totally worth it. Wow, I hope I get to do that again tomorrow. Plus, they had excellent snacks.
Well, the night is young my friends. Because, guess what, Gabriella and I are going on a driving adventure! And by that I mean I am finally going to go see Jillian's new house. Well, new being a relative term since she moved there half-way through senior year. senior semester? I don't know. It's in D.C. so that will be a fun driving experience. But it's a pretty residential area so it's practically Maryland. NO OFFENSE. Anyways, things are totally looking up. Plus, I have these amazing plans to start re-reading Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix since I finished re-reading Half Blood Prince the night before last. Which is basically cementing my plans to re-read the entire series in backward order. I don't know how far I will get. Maybe I will just go until the second book. I don't really feel like re-reading Chamber of Secrets or Sorcerer's Stone. NO OFFENSE J.K. ROWLINGZ0RZ2K7
Oh speaking of Harry Potter, here is a little something to think about. Okay, more accurately, here is something that I've been thinking about. Why hasn't the wizarding world started using pens and paper? I mean, okay, I understand if there is like a weird rule where muggle electronics don't work near magic or something. Like Hogwarts can't get Wifi. Like the Great Hall isn't a Hotspot. Whatevs. Three Broomsticks Internet Cafe. Fine. Okay. But like, I have written with a quill and ink before. It is not easy. While, admittedly I haven't written on parchment ever, I fail to see how it could be more convenient. I don't really know what that stuff is made out of but it can't be more environment friendly or something. probs not. Any who, my point is, is that why do they really need to use bottles of ink, quills, and parchment? Sure it probably looks cooler, but I can almost guarantee that that self-correcting quill you bought at Flourish and Bolt's (or whatever weasley wizarding walligag nonsense) is probs not better than my Microsoft spell check. Maybe. Maybe it is. Oh but here is something that is indisputable...alright...when your annoying Potions Master assigns you an essay on Wolfsbane or something and it has to be like 7 feet long, you can't really mess around with the margins can you? You can't exactly change the spacing between the letters or the sentences and you probably can't change the font. Not like I ever did anything like that when I was in high school. But I'm just saying, I know people who did. So, I mean, sucks for you guys. And by you guys I mean the fictional wizarding world that J.K. Rowling has created. NO OFFENSE.