Cheaters (3/5)

Aug 24, 2010 02:57

Title: Cheaters
Chapter: confused
Pairing: Rachel/Quinn ; Rachel/Finn
Author: girlnamedclark
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: hum... not really. if you watched Glee you probably know Quinn and Finn dated. That's it.
Summary: Rachel and Finn have been together for one perfect and spotless year. At least he thinks so.
Disclaimer:  don't own the characters. I don't condemn or encourage infidelity
Notes: kinda slow chapter, but I promise the next one will be HOT! ;)
next chapter - lying to him

(Chapter 1 - lying to yourself)
         (Chapter 2 - Jealousy)


Quinn was about to get herself bellow her bed sheets when her phone rang. She debated about ignoring to call - because she insisted on her perfect 8 hours of sleep - but the ringtone was too insistent and annoying. When Quinn picked up her phone, it was with every intention of turning it off.

When she saw Rachel’s name on the screen, Quinn felt motionless. They hadn’t talked since their fight - or whatever that was - the day before. Instinctively - and nothing more than that - Quinn picked up the call.

Rachel was upset. From what Quinn could understand - because of the broken voice, occasional sobbing, insistent sniffling - Rachel’s grandmother was in the hospital and Rachel’s dad, James, didn’t want to leave Rachel alone in their house - her other dad was away on work - and was only going to leave when Rachel had some company.

Quinn didn’t even question why Rachel was calling her, as she was already reaching for a pair of jeans to get out of the house immediately.

James was the one who opened the door to Quinn and, after thanking her immensely for coming that fast, he disappeared towards his car. Quinn was left alone, slightly uncomfortable, standing on the Berry’s entrance hall.

She shyly walked towards the stairs, supposing that Rachel was in her room.

Once upstairs, facing Rachel’s room door, Quinn hesitated. How many times she had stormed inside that room without even thinking about it? But, somehow, that time was different and, in a completely weird way, more intimate. So she knocked.

“Come in”.

Quinn did so, slowly.

“Quinn” before Quinn could process it, the tiny brunette was hanging on her neck, holding her tight. Feeling her entire body become tense, Quinn could only brush her hand against Rachel’s back and hope that would make her feel better.

“Are you okay?” Quinn asked, and the concern was almost impossible to hide. Almost.

Rachel finally let her go, stepping back, wiping her tears with her thumbs “yeah, I’m just worried…”

“Well, that’s only natural…” Quinn commented, looking around the room “do want… something? Is there something I can do?”.

“No, I just…” Rachel turned around, sitting on the bed “thank you for coming”.

Quinn got closer to Rachel. It was admirable how well the brunette could pull off the sad look - Quinn knew that she really didn’t look attractive when her eyes were all red, wet and swollen - but Rachel still looked stunning.

Quinn rested her hand on Rachel’s shoulder, massaging it slightly with her thumb. Then, gently, she slid her palm over Rachel’s neck and she cupped her face. She made Rachel look up at her “maybe you should get to bed” she suggested, softly.

Rachel sniffled “maybe I should” she answered, without looking up, slightly biting her lower lip.

Quinn affectionately helped Rachel inside her pyjama. She made her lie in the bed and then - in the most natural of the gestures - she laid by her side, hugging her close, mumbling to her ear. Rachel didn’t bring much contribution to the conversation, but Quinn was good on talking about nothing in particular and Rachel was happy to listen.

The mix of exhaustion, relaxation and warmness that Quinn exuded made Rachel’s lids feel heavier and heavier to the second. When Quinn was in the middle of her adventure with the obnoxious salesperson at Forever21, she noticed that Rachel’s lids had fell shut.

“Do you want me to go?” Quinn whispered, her breath warm against Rachel’s ear.


Quinn hugged her closer and she closed her own eyes too.

Neither of the girls even once thought about the oddness of the fact that Rachel had called Quinn and not Finn that night.

Quinn woke up feeling strangely warm and joyful, but she couldn’t quite understand why. She took a moment to realize she was not in her room and that she was not alone.

The pain she felt from her sore arm - which was trapped bellow a tiny brunette’s body - was somehow comforting. Rachel was there, facing her, eyes closed and still asleep. It was the most mesmerizing sight.

Quinn bit her lip and, without even noticing, her free hand reached for Rachel’s body, sliding along her figure. She ran her hands through her dark hair, but softly so that the brunette wouldn’t wake up.

Her mind was fuzzy from Rachel’s proximity and Quinn wondered why did she have that effect on her. It was almost too overwhelming for Quinn to care for someone as much as she did for Rachel. Just thinking about how heartbroken Quinn was when she saw Rachel crying and how accomplished she felt by comforting her. Quinn wasn’t sure what was happening between them, but she knew this wasn’t regular. And she also knew that this couldn’t be as long as he was. And, finally, she was sure that this was something Rachel had to make her mind about; something that she had to figure out for herself. Quinn could only stand by - try to not get affected by this entire situation - and hope that Rachel saw what was now clear to her.

Chapter 4 - lying to him

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