Cheaters (2/5)

Aug 22, 2010 22:10

Title: Cheaters
Chapter: jealousy
Pairing: Rachel/Quinn ; Rachel/Finn
Author: girlnamedclark
Rating: PG-13
Length: 1367
Spoilers: hum... not really. if you watched Glee you probably know Quinn and Finn dated. That's it.
Summary: Rachel and Finn have been together for one perfect and spotless year. At least he thinks so.
Disclaimer:  don't own the characters. I don't condemn or encourage infidelity
A/N: so I wasn't happy with the "decieving" chapter I wrote so I decided to just jump to "jealousy". I think next I'm going to write "confused" and it should be up tomorrow

A/N2: I had already put this chapter on but then I took down because I felt like it needed some last touches. I’m sorry for any confusion.

(chapter 1 - lying to yourself)


Quinn had gotten used to the fact that the McKinley High Football team just would never win a game, especially against the Carmel lions, who were, currently, regional champions. So Quinn wasn’t upset about the fact that their football team was losing so shamefully; she was very, very irritated by the fact that Finn Hudson - the quarterback and captain - had chickened out and feigned a knee injury two days before the game. Well, Quinn could understand why he would do something like that: it must be hard to lose every time against Carmel (after all, Rachel had chosen Jesse over him, last year. Yes, then they broke up and Rachel and Finn immediately started their campaign for the cutest - most boring, Quinn could add - couple in McKinley, but still, she had chosen Jesse first), but she was still very annoyed at the lack of morals he apparently suffered from. After all, Quinn was sure as well that McKinley was going to lose, but still she was down there cheering, right?

Quinn sighed, brushing a lock of her blonde hair out of her forehead. She was standing at the side line, hands with pompons planted on her hips, staring at the field, with her back towards the audience. She was too aware of the fact that if she looked over her shoulder, she would encounter a very happy couple, holding hands, giggling, kissing on the sunshine, sitting on the bleachers.

Finn didn’t even seem to be paying any type of attention to the game, as he couldn’t take his eyes off one radiant Rachel, and Quinn told herself she was indigenised on the team’s spirit behalf.

“Wow, they really suck” Brittany commented, vaguely.

Quinn nodded, absentmindedly.

Rachel hadn’t even noticed the break had started, until she saw Puck falling on the grass, as soon as he stepped the side line. She saw how a frenetic cheerleader came to his rescue, ready to perform mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, and Puck was totally going to let her do it, until Quinn stepped in, pushed the naïve girl back and slapped Puck on the back of his head. Rachel couldn’t help the smile that formed in her lips.

Finn brought Rachel back to reality announcing that he was going to get them some ice cream. Rachel didn’t feel like having ice cream, but she liked how Finn loved those boyfriend-tasks, like buying her ice cream, carrying her books or driving her to places and she thought that if she let him be the perfect boyfriend maybe he would start to feel like the perfect boyfriend.

As Finn disappeared, Rachel’s eyes naturally fell on the field and, even more naturally, they searched for the bright hair of a stunning blonde cheerleader. She found her not very far away.

Rachel squinted against the sun so that she could take a better look at what was happening down there. Quinn was talking to a guy from Carmel, one of the players, and he looked like the jock version of Justin Bieber. And, even from far away, Rachel could see all the signs of a heavy session of flirtation happening. Quinn was all smiles and giggles, tossing her hair back every two minutes, touching him occasionally.

Rachel was pulling a face, even before she commanded herself to do it. It was outrageous… especially because he was in the opposite team!

Finally, the Carmel’s team coach called the guy’s name and, taking the time to give a hair flip before he was gone, the guy ran towards the rest of the team.

Quinn was surprise to find Rachel right there in the bathroom, leaning against the sink with her arms firmly crossed, when she stepped out of the stall. Quinn paused for a second, but continued walking towards the sink - as if Rachel was just some girl, mumbling an indifferent “excuse me”.

Rachel, for some reason looking annoyed, stepped aside, and Quinn washed her hands slightly leaning towards the mirror to inspect her make up, effortlessly ignoring Rachel’s presence.

“Made a new friend?” Rachel started. Damn. Apparently her jealousy was stronger - and smarter - than her, because it had made her walk all the way into the bathroom without knowing that she was going to make a scene.

Quinn looked confused only for a moment, before her lips slowly formed into a provocative grin, still with her back turned against Rachel “who, Fred?”.

“Fred” Rachel repeated, bitterly.

“We were just talking” Quinn continued, vaguely, as she composed her strict pony-tail, eyes fixed on the mirror before her, and not on Rachel.
“That is hardly considered only talking” Rachel couldn’t stop herself from snorting “you were practically drowning him with your pheromones”.

“Well, he wasn’t complaining” Quinn replied, and it was meant to tease Rachel- Actually, she and Fred had dated once, and he was a terrible kisser - deal breaker - and Quinn had no intents of getting back with him.

“Of course he wasn’t” Rachel mumbled, more to her chest than to Quinn, as her eyes fell on the ground. She hated that Quinn could make her feel like that without even apparently trying.

Quinn spun around, suddenly, deciding that she had tortured Rachel enough “Rachel, I’m a cheerleader” she informed with a tiny sarcastic grin, as she walked towards the door “my job consists on flirting with the players”.
“And what a great job you do. I see now why you are the head cheerleader. I bet you always try to go that extra mile”.

Quinn turned around, to face Rachel. She suddenly wasn’t liking where that conversation was heading. Rachel was jealous - she got that - and it was actually flattering, but the insinuations and accusations were simply uncalled for.

“What’s your problem, ManHands?” Quinn asked, highlighting every word.

“Me?, I don’t have a problem” Rachel leaned her head to the side, defiantly.

Quinn arched a brow, in a gesture that succeeded in making people feel intimidated. Rachel wasn’t “You obviously do, and I bet it’s hard to pronounce”

“Again with the cheap insults” hands firmly on her hips, Rachel rolled her eyes. That made Quinn even more annoyed, because sometimes it was just exasperate that she couldn’t get to Rachel “I thought we were over that phase”.

“Well, apparently not because you’ve just called me a shameless slut!” Quinn snapped.

“Well, let’s think about it for a second” Rachel started, sardonically “what’s the definition of slut? I think that it’s something about getting it on with anyone and everyone that crosses your path. Unfortunately, I crossed your path…”

Quinn - who hadn’t admitted to Rachel that she hadn’t been seeing anyone else due to the fact that she didn’t want to be with no one else but her, because she was embarrassed that she was (unreasonably, for sure) so committed to what they had, when Rachel so obviously wasn’t and didn’t seem to ever want to end her relationship with Finn - was really starting to get mad, and she stepped forwards, almost threateningly, her index finger pointed towards Rachel's chest. “okay, girl friend needs to chill out. Can you hear yourself? Firstly, you’re insulting me and insinuating that the only reason that we have what we have it’s because of some pathological problem that I have, secondly you are there” she gestured, madly “on the bleachers, kissing your boyfriend and you think it’s okay to freak out because I was talking to a guy? Fuck, Rachel, get over yourself!” Quinn’s voice raised as the rage and indignation overcame her, and Rachel, honestly, was starting to get a little scared, but that didn’t make her less angry at the entire situation.

Before Rachel could yell back, Quinn was already turning on her heels and making a dash to the bathroom door, but Rachel briskly grabbed her arm, stopping her.

“Do you want me to break up with Finn? Is that what you want?” Rachel’s voice was low and husky, but the exasperation was expressed by the way the words were practically spitted out of her mouth.

Quinn turned around staring at Rachel’s hand around her arm almost like it was an offence to her. When she lifted her eyes to Rachel’s, the brunette saw nothing but pure coldness “I want you to do what you want to do”. Yanking her arm out of Rachel’s grasp, Quinn left the room.

chapter 3 - confused
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