soooo, this may seem a little bit desperate, but. . .

Mar 09, 2008 07:02

a lot of you know that i am planning a move in the next few weeks to chicago. if you live in michigan, you know why i want out. and if you don't, you just might know anyway. our economy is the worst in the country, even worse than post katrina areas. yeah, and it just keeps getting worse. i have made plans over and over to move out of michigan, but now it's happening. the apartment hunting is going a bit rough, but my lease is up at the end of march, and at the most i can extend it until the end of april. so i'm moving, for sure. the first apartment applied for (with 3 friends, it's pretty hard to find a 4 bedroom in chicago, but we're trying!) we didn't get. and so it's getting close to me having to be out and i'm worried, but we're working on it.

anyways, all of this is being said for a reason. i'm pretty broke. i know we all are, so if you just want to skip over this entry, feel free, and i won't be offended by any means. but, there is this awesome thing online that we all know about called paypal. and while looking over my account i was reminded that paypal allows you to put up a "donation button". like i said, you can totally disregard this entry and pretend it doesn't exist if you'd like. but, if for some reason you can spare even just a dollar, or hell, 50 cents, anything at all would be incredibly helpful in this move. so if you'd like to help me out, click on the picture below. and like i said, if you can't or just don't want to, no big deal. i just figure that i have to try everything that i can! thanks for taking the time to read this.

p.s. anyone in michigan that wants to hang out before i leave, i'll be here for about two more weeks. hit me up!
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