Harry Potter, the final

Aug 23, 2011 20:46

Originally published at Champagne and Socks. You can comment here or there.

Saturday night we ended up with a date night, which was a pleasant surprise. We’d been meaning to get to the movies for ages and I also wanted to see Harry Potter in the cinema before it was no longer showing. I could have easily been talked out of going what with a stressful week and getting settled into a weekend at home but C came home with an hour to spare so we made it in time. And as we walked in, the smell of popcorn hit me, the feeling of potential enjoyment coursed through me and I threaded my arm through C’s and skipped a step or two. I love going to the cinema. I suspect I love the experience so much that it makes me enjoy even crappy movies just a little more (cept for Notorious).

Armed with popcorn the size of the sum of both our heads and enormous drinks in each hand we wandered in and finally saw the film.

I was prepared to enjoy it and I did. I loved it. I thought the pacing was excellent - didn’t need champagne at all for part 2 (it was what got us through part 1 and all that wandering around in the forest, let’s be honest). Great moments included seeing Neville, Mrs Weasley, Luna and Hermione triumph! I wish there had been more of the Tonks and Ginny from the books. Sadly both got simplified down to merely love interests and they are both quite awesome in the books.  Again, I would have edited the epilogue out. The ending, just before that, with the three of them on the bridge, no music, would have been quite eerie and would have left a feeling of … but what next? Which could have led into … I dunno, a TV series from that point?

I’m happy with it, in all. I did have a good cry at the end. Though some of the deaths totally lost their power in moving from book to movie. C had his usual moment of looking over, seeing me cry, scoff and then take my hand. He’s a sweetie. And I always seem to choose crying movies for date night.

harry potter, uncategorized, movies, date night

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