I haven't been updating because I haven't really wanted to talk about it and haven't wanted to sound like I'm looking for more hugs. I really thought I was starting to feel better and so was starting to feel bad about feeling better (grief is some weird shit, yo) and then I walked into the bedroom and mis-saw
maelkann's socked crossed feet as a puppy sitting up at the end of the bed watching and waiting for me to come to bed. And promptly burst into tears.
It's still like that here.
Also, I feel like I can't move forward with the blogging until I record my New Years To Do List for 2011 and mostly the list is haphazard and disorganised still. And I want to figure out a way to audit and keep track and maintain momentum over the year without it feeling like a chore. These are things that I want to, afterall. So I'm just kinda getting on with the list, I guess. Bad way to proceed, with no way to take accounts at the end of the year. I finished week 3 of the Couch to 5k today. I signed up to Goodreads to track my reading. I've been working on three quilts at once and catching up on TV I want to have seen. You know, the usual. And still wanting to at some point sit down and write the list and it not be ridiculously over ambitious. A lot of this year might come down to "Before Swancon" and "After Swancon".