So I'm still basically in bed by 8pm and asleep by 9pm. It's really very unsettling as is the getting up at 5am. I've managed to stretch that out to about 6.30am but that's still stupidly early. It also means I am finding myself more and more behind with things as I have lost my evenings for working (and crafting, sob). I'm hoping this is still just jetlag and will sort itself out otherwise I will need to start taking more drastic measures (forcing myself to stay awake later etc).
I have though been sticking to posting over at
twelfthplanet by writing first thing in the morning:
Book TrailerTuesday:
Social Networking should work for youMonday:
Maintaining vision; learning to wield the power of the NoSunday:
Growing Pains Which is at least something to show for the week since I've been back!
Tonight I am hoping to stay awake long enough to make it through the Lisa Mitchell concert at The Quarry Amphitheatre. My work friends and I booked tickets a long time ago and through a comedy of errors we have ended up with too many seats (if you're interested in buying a couple, email me!)
I am very behind in all things and hoping to catch up soon. I'm still mostly feeling like I've woken up in someone else's life and wondering how that person does all this stuff.
Yesterday I had a very long and painful visit to the dentist which I booked the appointment for, like a variety of things this week, when I was energetic and enthusiastic last month!