May 11, 2006 22:33
alright so I have problems, lol seriously though there is something wrong with me and its not fair to my boyfriend at all.
I am being a terrible girlfriend and losing patience with him and its not right. I changed so much in the past year and i dont know if I like the person I have come to be. I get angry more, I yell a lot, Im impatient, I dont laugh as much. I miss being that laid back, never gets mad, always smiling Michelle that everyone knew. The only good thing that had come is my confidence and not being such a door mat but I have gone too far and i need to change the thing I have become cause I dont like myself too much right now.
itllalwaysbeyou: but i need to figure out whats wriong with me tho
itllalwaysbeyou: seriously
itllalwaysbeyou: ive been SO mean to jon and im so lucky he hasnt gotten tired of it yet
itllalwaysbeyou: i dont know why im acting liek this but it needs to stop
itllalwaysbeyou: and i need to find happiness again, im in a slum and it sucks
itllalwaysbeyou: i have nothing to be sad about and yet i am. GODDD this sucks
itllalwaysbeyou: he was like u knwo that when ur mean to me u can get away with it cause i wont leave you so u take it out on me... and it sucks
liveforthefun151: what could you possibly have to be mad about
liveforthefun151: ?
liveforthefun151: that does suck
liveforthefun151: lets look at this
itllalwaysbeyou: i dont know
itllalwaysbeyou: like i am mad about things
itllalwaysbeyou: that i know about
liveforthefun151: stop for 2 seconds
liveforthefun151: and listen
itllalwaysbeyou: but theres NOreason for me to be so angry and eman
itllalwaysbeyou: okay
liveforthefun151: You are a good person, you have a good heart, you make good decisions
liveforthefun151: no talking
itllalwaysbeyou: but
liveforthefun151: you have a vast number of people who truely love you with all thy've got
liveforthefun151: no buts
liveforthefun151: you are in love with someone who loves you deeply enough to last for the rest of your lives
liveforthefun151: you're incredibly smart
liveforthefun151: you have a bright future in your relationship and in whatever profession you persue
itllalwaysbeyou: thanks matty
liveforthefun151: stop i'm not done
I am so mad about so many things and its ridiculous. I am a gorown woman that needs to learn to handle her problems better cause its not fair to those around me. NOTE TO SELF: NO MORE BEING MAD. (everyone will love you more). I love LiveJournal cause it is such a good way to vent about your own life and a therapudic thng i am hoping i will be able to act better with the help of livejournal. wooooooo lets hope so for me and for Jonathan. okay so I am gunna try my best to change my actions. wish me luck...